From A little cooperation exercise Group participants in couples Each couple needs one pen and one piece of paper From SALTO-YOUTH. net
From 1. One person of each couple closes his or her eyes The other person of the couple simply watches the picture on the screen
2. The person who had the eyes closed can open them again and watch the picture coming next The other person of the couple now closes his or her eyes
3. Both persons of the couple can open their eyes again Now both persons of the couple should hold on to one pen and draw together the picture they see next BUT THEY CANNOT SPEAK!
4. Was it easy to draw the picture together? What did each of the person of the couple try to draw? Would it have been easier if you could have spoken? What does this exercise symbolise?
From Intercultural Conclusion Everybody learns to do and see things throughout their lives (socialisation) Other people and cultures do and see things in a different way (diversity) When two different cultures meet con- fusion can happen (culture shock) But communication about differences can help to understand eachother’s ways (intercultural dialogue)
From Training Tools and Methods