Worth the Wait North Ridge Middle School Parent Information Night Presented by: Heather Penry & Tashalla Thomas
Worth the Wait A Scott & White wellness and sexual health program Curriculum is designed for age appropriate information Will be presented during selected classes for 6th, 7th and 8th graders Abstinence based wellness program Presented by Nurse and Counselor Complies with the Teks for curriculum in classes Evidence based research
Worth the Wait What this program is not meant to Violate your rights as parents Take the place of discussions at home Be biased, nor promote sexual activity among teens
Worth the Wait Topics include: Essential Human Needs Parental Responsibilities Puberty, Anatomy and Pregnancy Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sex and the Law Developing Communications Styles and Refusal Skills Healthy Relationships Health Risk Behaviors Contraception (8th grade only) Career Goals
Worth the Wait Essential Human Needs Security- safety from harm; trust in those around you Connection- Love; feeling respected; enjoying time with others; sense of belonging; friendship Purpose- Feeling that you have value, talents, and significance Support – Having guidance and opportunities for personal growth Contribution- Doing good things for those around you; serving your community
Worth the Wait Parental Responsibilities Legal Responsibility Care, Support, Protection, Supervision Financial Responsibility Food, Clothing, Shelter, Medical Care Child Support/the Laws Emotional Responsibility Helping the child feel safe and secure Teen Parents vs. Adult Parents Pros and Cons
Worth the Wait Puberty, Anatomy and Pregnancy Review the male and female anatomy Describe the physical and emotional changes during puberty Describe benefits of remaining abstinent from risky behaviors Explain how pregnancy occurs and describe fetal development Link between emotional changes, depression and suicide Identify genetic influences on puberty
Worth the Wait Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Recognize risks of contracting an STD if sexually active Define Sexual Contact Express personal opinions on the topic of STDs Identify the major symptoms of the most common STDs Describe why abstinence is the healthiest choice and 100% effective against STDs.
Worth the Wait Sex & the Law Reviews the legal implications regarding teen sexual activity Acknowledge that sexual abuse is never the victim’s fault Discuss the importance of reporting sexual abuse Construct an action plan to deal with sexual pressure State the age of consent for sexual activity in our State Determine the difference between misdemeanor and felony sexual offenses
Worth the Wait Developing Communication Styles and Refusal Skills Learn effective communication methods Demonstrate effective communication methods with role play Learn effective refusal skills Demonstrate effective use of refusal skills with role play.
Worth the Wait Healthy Relationships Identify characteristics of healthy relationships Encouragement, trust, honesty, safety, etc Identify characteristics of unhealthy relationships Fear, embarrassment, discouragement, risky behaviors Identify characteristics of dangerous relationships Violence, gangs, drug use, alcohol use, illegal acts Discuss benefits and dangers of healthy, unhealthy and dangerous relationships Identify ways to get out of unhealthy or dangerous relationships
Worth the Wait Health Risk Behaviors Identify health risk behaviors as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recognize the association between risky behaviors and teen sexual activity Acknowledge the link between health risk behaviors in teens such as sexual activity and emotional problems such as depression and suicide Review the importance of avoiding health risk behaviors and have an opportunity to sign a pledge card
Worth the Wait Contraception (8th grade only) Discuss the most common contraception methods Birth Control Pills Birth Control Injections Birth Control Implants Emergency Contraception Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) Spermicides Natural Family Planning Withdrawal Male Condoms Abstinence
Worth the Wait Career Goals Identify long-term career goals Develop a plan to reach the long-term career goals Identify roadblocks and determine how to overcome them Incorporate five essential human needs in goal setting
Worth the Wait