AND BEYOND EURES at work: Who are the partners at the EU, national and local levels Plenary Session 4 The EESC a constructive partner for EURES
EESC B RIDGE BETWEEN E UEOPAN CITIZENS AND E UROPEAN INSTITUTIONS 344 Members from the 27 Countries Group I – Employers Public and private sectors of industry, commerce, finance, etc. (large companies) Group II – Employees National trade union confederations Group III – Various Interests Farmers, consumers, the social economy, craftsmen and SMEs, social and environmental NGOs, the professions… Six sections
P ROGRAMME FOR E UROPE : P ROPOSALS OF C IVIL S OCIETY This programme permits the Committee's members, who represent civil society organisations in the European Union, to set out their views on the choices that Europe must make for a sustainable future in the world in crisis : Economic recovery Fundamental rights and European Social Model Sustainable development Governance 4 headings - 22 themes identified for disussion
EESC S ECTION FOR E MPLOYMENT, S OCIAL A FFAIRS AND C ITIZENS (SOC) SOC Priorities for the Presidency: Rights, Solidarity, Citizenship More and Better Jobs New Generation Better Health Inclusion and Integration
M ORE AND B ETTER J OBS Europe-wide measures : to stimulate economy, boost quality of employment and assist responsible managed restructuring Focus on more and better job: opostunities for young people, older workers, migrant workers and people with disability Education and training: forcasting and upgrading of skills and their better matching with the labour market needs Adaptability, Creativity, Mobilitity Mobility and skills in synergy
T HE EESC KNOW - HOW AND CAPACITY IN SERVICE OF THE E UROPEAN I NSTITUTIONS AND A GENCIES The latest EESC opinions related to the well- functioning of the Labour Market and labour mobility: The outstanding barriers of the mobility in the European Labour markets (2008) New Skills for New Jobs (2009 ) Cross-border Agriculture Labour (2007) Job Mobility of the young people (2007) The immigration and cooperation for development (2007)
M AIN OUTCOMMES – I P ART EESC supports free movement of workers as a basic freedom of the EU Workers mobility has to remain on the top agenda of the EU EECS continues to identify or confirm the existence of all kind of barriers of mobility and propose varios solutions EESC welcomes the work of the High-Leve Expoert Group on improving mobility among Europeans EURES is very important tool, but its full potential has not been still fully reaized
M AIN O URCOMES – II. P ART The new proposed instrument Map and Match would make EURES more users-friendly Awareness has to be raised particularly among young people about all initiatives imstruments, programmes( Europas, Youthpas, European Quality Charter, ERASMUS) The role of the member states in the respect is crucial and still not satisfactory There are 11 milion agriculture entreprises providing employment for 15 minilion peoples– the agriculture labour flows are still limited due to the persisting barriers The Commission delegations should cooperate with the Member States on migration matters, and the EURES network should be used to identify existing employment offers in the EU.
F OSTERING COOPERATION AMONG INSTITUTIONS The need of copperation is stressed in: 1) The European Job Mobility Action Plan – Reinforcing EURES 2) The EURES Guidelines for – Networking with other stakeholders The reasons: complexity of mobility and broadening of scope and quality of EURES services The partners: ECAS, PLOTEUS SOLVIT, EUROPASS ERYICA, Eurodesk, ERA- MORE, Your Europe, Europe Direct, EUlisses