The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) currently has POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE of LEIRIA about twelve thousand students, nine hundred and fifteen teachers and three hundred and sixteen non-teaching staff. Five School: School of arts and Design; School of tourism and maritime technology; School of Technology and management; School of Health sciences, School of education and social sciences six Teaching and Investigation Organic Units forty-six undergraduate degree programmes Thirty-six postgraduate degree programmes twenty-two Master’s degree programmes
The 5 schools are located in three cities: Leiria; Peniche and Caldas da Rainha
our Our school is located in leiria
THE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Degrees in: Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy; Dietetic Master degrees in active ageing (according to the determinants of active ageing by the WHO). Mental health Nursing to the person in critical condition At present the School offers: and lifelong education / short-term programmes.
was founded in 2010 Health Research Unit is deeply committed to developing interdisciplinary scientific research studies and activities on health sciences, in order to formulate strategies of promoting a better and improved health among the populations.
The research studies carried out by the health research unit are divided in three main areas, namely in: 1. HEALTH EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2. INTERVENTION IN HEALTH 3. HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT
Effective members (21) Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe Baltazar Ricardo Monteiro Carolina Miguel da Graça Henriques Catarina Alexandra Rodrigues Faria Lobão Celia Maria Jordão Simões Silva Daniela Maria Barroso de Moura Cipreste Vaz Elísio Gomes Pinto Helena da Conceição Borges Pereira Catarino Jaime Emanuel Moreira Ribeiro José Carlos Quaresma Coelho José Carlos Rodrigues Gomes José Manuel Alves Guerreiro Maria Clarisse Carvalho Martins Louro Maria da Saudade de Oliveira Custódio Lopes Maria Pedro Sucena Guarino Pedro João Soares Gaspar Sandra Cristina Fernandes Amado Sara Alexandra da Fonseca Marques Simões Dias Sónia Isabel H S Moreira de Almeida Ramalho Susana Margarida Rodrigues Custódio Associate Members (12) Ana Isabel Fernandes Querido Ana Sofia Garcia Jesus Carla Sofia da Silva P. Damásio Catarina Cardoso Tomás Cristina Rosa Soares Lavareda Baixinho Etelvina Rosário Silva Lima Eva Patrícia da Silva Guilherme Filipa de Carvalho Soares João Manuel Graça Frade Nelson Ribeiro Jorge Pedro Miguel Lopes de Sousa Rita Dourado Marques Sérgio Miguel Pereira Santos Sónia Cristina de Sousa Pós de Mina Our Research Unit integrates several members from different areas
UIS integrates several project from different areas
These are some of events we have done
Our participation in this project Workshop Format: Two types WORKSHOPS – our proposals First step : intensive 3 day workshop – Teachers and Active ageing master Students (the master students are Folks who work directly with senior citizens) Second step: intensive 5 day workshop –Old people from Senior university: IPL; Porto de Mós; Casa Museu João Soares- In this step will participating teachers and students who took the 1º step (to 'reproduce' the workshops with (a) senior citizens
Prerequisites for admission to workshops No prerequisites Because we did not suggest prerequisites for admission we suggest that the workshops for the elderly must have 5 days. The first two days: Basic computer ability (including internet use), ability to navigate a computer directory system, and ability to use basic word processing programs.
Conference Date: June – second Week or July - first week – two days Some ideas_ The Conference must have: Results of the project One conference about the power of digital storytelling Testimonials from participants in workshops on: participation in this workshop had gains? What gains what has changed in their life The best digital stories produced in workshops must be showed the digital storytelling training should be inclusive (for the blind and the deaf)
our ideas for the stories Reminiscence therapy for people with Alzheimer's and digital storytelling The person with dementia and their families must create some digital storytelling's about positive memories. when people with dementia are confused and agitated their families can explore the digital stories created with them Reminiscence therapy invites a person with Alzheimer's to exercise her long-term memory by encouraging her to share positive memories from younger days.
Resilience and emotional aspects of women ageing in Peniche – Portugal Peniche is a fishing area where economic and personal life depends mostly on either fishing activities or manufacturing sector related to it. Old women told us interesting stories that depict how women live fishing, waiting for fishing boats in the middle of the night, how they care for children and lived their marriage, which reconstruct the way of life of the last eighty years in this city.
Storytelling to promote hope Hope is essential to life. Telling stories is a powerful situation to allow people to explore their own experiences of hope. Sharing positive experiences with others influences others’ perspectives and could turn the negative perspective into a new way of looking the reality. By sharing hope stories, people can play a hope role model for others and have a positive impact on other people’s hopes (Querido, 2012). Querido is a teacher from my school and my PhD student. She use digital stories to promote hope and quality of life in people at end of life with good results
Baltazar Ricardo Monteiro Doctoral thesis on the political and social consequences for families of de-hospitalization. Coordination of a master on Intervention for and active ageing (according to the determinants of active ageing by the WHO). Project on politics for an active ageing in a municipality (Peniche region). Public intervention for changing local health care, according to specific health demands.
José Carlos Rodrigues Gomes, RN, PhD Post graduation in Knowledge and Information Management, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PhD in Public Health (Health Promotion), Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Other relevant information: Junior researcher, Health Promotion and Chronic Diseases Department of the Portuguese National Institute of Health (INSA, I.P.), from September 2008 to August School director (Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria), since September Researcher of the “Monitoring positive Mental Health Environments” project (funded by DG SANCO - European Commission) ( ). Researcher of the “Monitoring Positive Mental Health” Project (funded by DG SANCO - European Commission) (2004/2006). Main researcher of the project “Promoção da saúde mental em espaço urbano: A investigação participada de base comunitária na construção de um plano local de promoção de saúde mental – Um estudo de caso” (2009/2012) [Mental Health Promotion in urban environments: Building a local health promotion plan through community based participatory research – a study case]. President of the National Nursing Council of Ordem dos Enfermeiros ( ).
Maria dos Anjos Dixe PhD in psychology, University of Extremadura, Spain Coordinator of the Health Research Unit President of scientific technical council Author of several publications National and international Author of several scientific communications in National and international meetings and congresses researcher of three funded project Supervisor of masters and PhD students in several universities