National Library of Medicine Resources Health Literacy Marty Magee, MLS MSA National Network/Libraries of Medicine Education and Nebraska Liaison McGoogan Library of Medicine Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE
Objectives Informarle sobre Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de los recursos en relación con Educación para la Salud تعطيك معلومات تمهيدية حول محو الأمية الصحية 告诉你一个例子,在内布拉斯加州健康素 养项目
Our Objectives: Inform you about National Library of Medicine resources regarding Health Literacy Give you introductory information about Health Literacy Show you an example of a Health Literacy project in Nebraska
From the National Library of Medicine Order posters and information prescription pads…
Did You Know? What Can You Do to Promote Health Literacy???