480,0000 Strong
AAUM Professional Success Leverage Your UM Network Laura Turner Senior Career Manager
inCircle Exclusive online community and job board for U-M alumni and students 56,000 Active registrants 3500 Weekly alumni updates 3000 Mentors (give career advice) 650 jobs/1200 employers Tutorials
Lets Talk inCircle Jaqueline Gowin 09would like to offer a multitude of sales, engeenering, and IT jobs in India Sierra Henton 03 would like to find an position in media/production. Jodi collier 10 would like to receive career advice from some one in the events industry regarding the best way to get started in the field. Entepenuers and Dealbreakers Group -EnergyFlair.com: venture-backed startup encouraging people to save energy. LA Professional Networking Group – Looking for volunteers.
Online Networking Club Groups Make your group name official, University of Michigan Club of ___. This will make it easier for people to find your club and it will be consistent among the Clubs and Affiliates. Examples of Inconsistency among group names: U-M Alumni Club of Wolverine U-M Alumni Club-Wolverine U-M Wolverine Club
Helpful Hints Consider using the privacy settings on all of the social networking sites so that your group is accessible to everyone. This will make visitors able to see more of your site. Link your social networking group sites to your listserv messages Try to link your club/affiliate website onto your social networking site See handouts provided for more information
Mentoring InCircle Alumni NetWorks 30 Minute Mentors Informal Connections
Events AAUM Facilitated Events Club Events (increase 25% in FY 2010) Career Call-In Teleseminars Podcasts MichAGAIN
Job Resources 22 units on campus offer career services Career Center Career Counseling/Assessments/Resume Business Engagement Center Entrepreneurship (center for entrepreneurship, Zell Lurie Institute, M Powered)