Czech Republic Its population is: inh. and surface area is Km 2. The official language is the Czech. Its capital is Prague. Czech Republic is located in center-east of Europe. It borders with: Austria to the south; Germany to the west; with Poland to the north and Slovakia to the east
Czecho republic is divided in to 14 regions. RegionInitialsCapitalN° of Inhabitants PraguePRPrague Meridional of Boemia JC České Budĕjovuce Meridional of Boravia KMBrno Region of Karlovy Vary KAKarlovy Vary Region of Hradec Kr á volé KRHradec Kr á volé Region of LiberecLILiberec Moravia- slesiaMOOstrava Region of OlomoucOLOlomouc Region of Pardubice PAPardubice Region of Plze ñ PLPlze ñ Central BoemiaSTPrague Region of ústí USÚstí nad Labem Region of Vyso ĉina VYJihlava Region of ZlínZLZlín593458
The capital: Prague ( inh.) Brno ( inh) Moravia ( inh) Ostrava( inh) Principal Cities are :
By Tala & Marianna