H University Bicycle Contest Study Guide
Identification: Brakes
Identification: Chain
Identification: Chainring
Identification: Crank
Identification: Fork
Identification: Frame
Identification: Handlebars
Identification: Pedal
Identification: Reflectors
Identification: Rim
Identification: Seat
Identification: Spokes
Identification: Tire
Identification: Valve Stem
Identification: Stop Sign
Identification: One Way Sign
Identification: Yield Sign
Identification: Slow Children at Play
Identification: Railroad Crossing Sign
Identification: School Crossing Sign
Identification: Turn Left Sign
Identification: No Bikes Allowed Sign
Making Right Turns Scan for traffic Put your left arm out with elbow bent upward, or use your right arm and point to the right. Look left, look right, then, look left again. If it is safe, turn right, start pedaling and stay to the right.
Making Left Turns Get off bicycle and look left, look right then, look left again. When there is no traffic, walk your bike across the street. At the corner, look left, right, left and right again. When there is no traffic, walk across next street.
Making Left Turns, cont. Scan and start pedaling. Continue your ride. When turning left on a road signal, put your left arm out and keep it straight, pointing to the left.
Slowing Down When you slow down or stop, put out your left arm and bend your elbow down.
Visual Hazards Visual hazards can be: Bushes Trees Large signs Parked vehicles Bright lights Glare from the sun These hazards can keep you from seeing what you need to see to avoid crashes.
Surface Hazards Surface hazards can be: Rocks Trash Potholes Drain grates Railroad tracks Broken glass Surface hazards are things that can make you crash if you run over them.
Moving Hazards Moving hazards can be: Cars or trucks People Dogs Trains or buses Motorcycles Or, anything that can cross your path
Definitions Air Pressure -- the force of air in bicycle tires that holds up your bicycle and you. Balance – adapting body position to steady bicycle and keep it upright without falling. Cyclist -- someone who rides a bicycle. Brake – part that stops or slows a wheel. Buddy system – doing tasks in pairs.
Definitions, cont. Chain – linked metal rope that connects the chain wheel to the back wheel. Ear straps – back and front straps of a helmet. Handlebar – bar for steering a bicycle. Hazard – a possible source of danger. Helmet – protective head covering made of hard material.
Definitions, cont. Intersection – place where two roads meet or cross. Lubricant – substance that reduces friction, heat and wear. Map – representation of a region or area. Pedestrian – person walking. Predictable – acting so that people know what you are going to do.
Definitions, cont. Prevent – to keep from happening. Rideout – to ride into the street without stopping or looking both ways; your turn to go. Right turn – Turn from the right lane of one road to the right lane of another road without crossing the centerline of either road.
Definitions, cont. Scanning – quickly looking in all directions while maintaining one’s balance. Signals – lights, hand movements, auditory sounds that warn or prepare cyclists and motorists for changes such as stop lights, turn signals, ambulance sirens, etc. Stop – to come to a complete stand still.
Definitions, cont. Traffic – all cars, vans, buses and trucks moving along a road. Warning – something that tells of danger.
Protective Gear Shoes Gloves Knee pads Elbow pads Helmet Long pants Long-sleeved shirts
Selecting a Helmet Approved by CPSCA. Is same size as your head. Fits your head snuggly. The V of the ear straps should meet just below your ear with no slack.
Protecting Your Helmet Keep it stored in a safe place. Put in a place where nothing can drop on it. Keep it in a cool spot. Be sure your name and address are on your helmet.
Buying a Bicycle Buy a bicycle that is the right size for you. Do not buy a bicycle that you will grow in to. Buy a bicycle with the number of speeds you want. Make sure the brakes are adequate for your age and experience. Interview someone who knows a lot about bicycles.
Fitting a Bicycle There should be one or two inches between your crotch and the crossbar when you straddle the bike. Both feet should touch the ground when you sit on your bike with both hands on the handlebars. If bike has handbrakes, make sure you can grasp the brakes hard enough to stop the bike.
Bicycle Checklist Seat height – Sit on your bicycle seat and place one foot on the pedal. Roll forward until the pedal is at its lowest point. There should be a slight bend to your knee. Seat angle -- make sure seat is level so that you don’t slip forward or backward when riding.
Bicycle Checklist, cont. Handlebars – Adjust the height of your handlebars so that you don’t have to stretch too far to put your hands on the handlebars. There should be a slight bend in your elbows and it should feel comfortable. Handbrakes – The brake levers should be easy to reach. When you squeeze the brake, there should be enough room to fit your thumb between the brake lever and the handlebar.
ABC Bike Check A = air pressure in your tires. Make sure there is enough air in your tires. B = brakes. Make sure your tires do not move when the brakes are applied. C = chain. Make sure the chain is not too loose.