Chapter 15 HW TAP pgs. 320-333. 1. Better public schools, rights for women, medicines, polygamy, celibacy, rule by prophets, guided by spirits, Anti alcohol,


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 15 HW TAP pgs

1. Better public schools, rights for women, medicines, polygamy, celibacy, rule by prophets, guided by spirits, Anti alcohol, tobacco, profanity No mail on Sunday abolition

2. Deists were people that relied on reason and science rather than religion and the Bible. However, they did believe in a Supreme Being Helped to spark Unitarianism because it looked at religion in a different manner

2. Unitarianism believed that God existed in one person and not the Trinity, denied Jesus, stressed the goodness of people, free will and salvation through good works (leads to Social Gospel movement), God was loving The Second Great Awakening was a reaction to religious liberalism like the Unitarians

3. Prison reform Temperance women’s movement Abolition

4. Charles Grandison Finney Powerful oratory and strong message “The Anxious Bench” Most fervent followers, middle-class, offered them an active role in something, spearheaded major crusades of the era

5. Burned Over District in NY Millierites – Jesus did not arrive 10/22/1844! Methodists and Baptists gained the most converts

6. Started in up-state NY by Joseph Smith Home grown religion Polygamy Utah US gov’t feared the control of Brigham Young over the territory and sent in the military Polygamy later ruled illegal by Congress

7. If people were not educated then they might grow up to threaten the establishment – ensured stability and democracy Horace Mann – more and better schools, longer school year, higher pay and expanded curriculum

7. Noah Webster – better textbooks, dictionary William McGuffey – McGuffey Readers taught grade school reading infused with morality, patriotism, and idealism

8. Helped to establish the University of Virginia – nondenominational! An act of Enlightenment – it focused on science. Limited; Troy Female Seminary, Oberlin College, Mount Holyoke Seminary

9. Inspired from the Second Great Awakening Debtor prisons – abolished by state legislators Criminal codes – softened, less brutal punishments, prisons to reform Mentally Ill – treated like criminal Dorothea Dix – fought for the mentally ill to be treated more humanely

9. American Peace Society/William Ladd – antiwar crusade American Temperance Society – anti alcohol Neal S. Dow – Father of Prohibition; Maine Law of 1851 prohibited alcohol

10. Cult of domesticity – home was where women should be Catharine Beecher – promoted the cult of domesticity Lucretia Mott – leader of the first phase of the women’s rights movement Elizabeth Cady Stanton – proponent of women’s suffrage

Susan B. Anthony – advocate for female rights Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell – first female doctor Margaret Fuller – transcendentalist journalist The Grimke Sisters – antislavery Lucy Stone – female rights advocate

Amelia Bloomer – challenged traditional women’s dress by wearing “bloomers”

11. Way of rejecting traditional norms of society for women.

TAP pgs

Utopian Communities Robert Owen at Harmony, Indiana – communal society Brook Farm in Massachusetts – dedicated to transcendentalism Oneida Community – free love, birth control, eugenics Shakers – religious community – no marriage or sex!

1. John Audubon – wildlife artist Medicine/life expectancy – primitive (bleeding); 40years life expectancy Gilbert Smith – Painter of Washington Charles Wilson Peale – painter of Washington John Trumball – painted scenes of the Revolution

Hudson River School – romantic images of American landscapes Washington Irving – First Great American literary figure – The Legend of Sleepy Hollow James Fennimore Cooper – first American novelist – The Last of the Mohicans

William Cullen Bryant – poet and journalist with New York Evening Post Transcendentalism – truth transcends the senses. Cannot be found only through the senses. Bred anti authority and anti establishment Ralph Waldo Emerson – best known transcendentalist. Author, speaker, philosopher. Critic of slavery

Henry David Thoreau – transcendentalist, author. Influenced later leaders like Gandhi Walt Whitman – famous poet. Leaves of Grass Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – poet Louisa May Alcott – author of Little Women

Edgar Allen Poe – author and poet Nathaniel Hawthorne – The Scarlet Letter Herman Melville – Moby Dick