ECE Campus Climate Survey Results School Year
Background Data 288 Families Surveyed 73% Response Rate
My Family is Happy We Chose the ECE Campus for Children’s Education
The ECE Transportation Service is Well Organized and Managed
The ECE Campus provides a safe, secure and orderly environment for learning
The ECE Campus Cafeteria Provides Quality Food Services
The ECE Campus buildings and grounds are clean and well maintained
My Family receives enough communication from the ECE Campus Administration
The ECE Campus Administration is accessible to the school community
The ECE Campus provides a welcoming and supportive environment for my child
ECE Teachers maintain high expectations and challenge my child to do their best
My Child’s teacher communicates with me effectively
My child’s teacher is open and approachable
ECE Progress reports are clear and easy to understand
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Students Only: The ECE Provides sufficient opportunities for my child to be involved in a variety of After School Activities
ECE Assemblies are of a good quality and enjoyable to attend
The ECE Campus welcomes sufficient opportunities for parent involvement
ECE Students have access to a variety of resources to help them be successful in their learning
The ECE Campus provides quality access to the library and its resources
My child’s classroom teacher provides a quality educational experience in the areas of social studies, science, mathematics, and language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)
The ECE Campus provides a quality education for my child in the area of Physical Education
The ECE Campus provides a quality education for my child in the area of music
The ECE Campus provides quality opportunities for my child to experience our host country’s culture
The ECE Campus provides a quality education in the area of Mandarin
I feel as though the music concerts are strong presentations and highlights the music program offered at the ECE Campus
(For Grade 1 ESOL Students only) The ECE Campus provides a quality ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program for my Grade 1 child
My Child is happy to be an ECE Student