South Western Sydney Institute presents The Head Teacher Network.


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Presentation transcript:

South Western Sydney Institute presents The Head Teacher Network

Finding the Smallest Change to Create the Biggest Difference

SWSI HEAD TEACHER NETWORK First meeting 12 March 2008 Aim To discuss strategies to support Head Teachers Identify and discuss possible support mechanisms and training needs for Head Teachers Submission for a 2008 Reframe the Future Project was successful Our Aim

Reframing the Future The HT Network focused on Increasing the productivity of the VET workforce and contribute to the productivity of the Australian workforce. In context of the AQTF and chose Appreciative Inquiry as a methodology as an organisational change management tool.

Problem Focused

AI’s invitation asks…… “What is the smallest change that can make the biggest difference?”

“The Cycle” Inquire/ Discover Appreciating the best of ‘What is” Inquire/ Discover Appreciating the best of ‘What is” Imagine/ Dream “What might be?” Imagine/ Dream “What might be?” Innovate/ Design “What should be?” Innovate/ Design “What should be?” Implement/ Deliver Navigate the change Implement innovation Implement/ Deliver Navigate the change Implement innovation Head Teachers as educational leaders Encompass model of AI

Saul Steinberg 1961 Asking the right question?

Appreciative Inquiry Principles We move in directions of what we ask questions about; So by deliberately asking positive questions we create constructive dialogue and inspired action

Meat in the Sandwich Or a strengths based approach….

Dream Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Deliver Moving into action Ideas become actions Mentoring with TAFE NSW Managers Association HT Kit is being tailored to the SWSI context HT Network invites you to join the Network

Head Teacher Network Come and join with us for an afternoon of networking. Find out about the Head Teacher Kit, the mentoring program and discuss your professional development opportunities for Where: Liverpool ETC When: 3rd December, 2008 Time: for lunch, 1-4pm

If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mozzie. African Proverb

Interactive Session Appreciative Inquiry beings at the discovery stage. It uses dialogue and active listening to find what is best within a system. We invite you to take part in a discovery session with us here today?

DISCOVER One goal is to seek the root cause of success