The country of music
Basic knowledge about Hungary The country is located in the heart of Europe. The capital of the country is Budapest where Skylark Manufactures has it’s headqarters. It is a quite small country with approximately 10,000,000 inhabitants. Budapest has a beautiful location at the bank of the Danube. It offers numerous tourist attractions and cultural events.
WHAT HUNGARY IS FAMOUS FOR Hungarian cuisine Thermal bathes Recognised scientists World famous musicians Composers Enormous mineral water resources
HUNGARY AND MUSIC The importance of music in our country
Hungarian folk-music has a tremendous role in our culture. Due to a music research program that started in 1896 we have a rich heritage of folk songs. Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók were the two main names in the project. They gathered more than 40,000 folk songs and both of them used the folk motives in their compositions. In that manner the traditional Hungarian folk-music became part of our modern musical culture. Folk-music motives were also used in music pieces componated for children so this way they are able to become aquainted with the musical traditions. Folk-songs are an essential part of music teaching in primary school as well. Children learn them in an early age and they can feel the importance of folk-music. FOLK-MUSIC HERITAGE
Music Education The Kodály Method is world famous. It was developed in Hungary by Zoltán Kodály. The system uses a child-developmental approach: it begins with the easiest parts and progresses to the more difficult when introducing a new concept. The method uses rhythm syllables – note values are assigned specific syllables that express their duration. A special part is making hand signs when singing, to show the different tonal functions. Learning how to read sheets is also important. It is a complex system. eature=fvwrel eature=fvwrel
Our education system is music orientated. Music teaching takes place in primary schools, high-schools and universities as well. Hungary has a special system where talented students can choose to attend schools with music divisions and afterwards they have the possibility to continue their studies in so called music conservatories whereafter they can attend the Music Academy or universities with music faculty. We also has a tradition for „strong” music schools where it is accessible for everyone to learn to play an instrument or to sing. Solfeggio is an essential part of Hungarian music teaching. The Hungarian Franz Liszt Academy of Music is famous for the high level it provides. Many students from abroad attend the Academy due to the quality of teaching. It is not rear to se a Japanese girl with a double-bass or a Danish cello-player around the place. MUSIC INSTITUTIONS
Explore and enjoy the various musical programs in Hungary Hungary is the country of festivals. There are numerous offers: Sziget Festival, Volt Festival, Balaton Sound Festival, Jazz Festivals etc. Budapest offers endless opportunities for musical programs and concerts. Places to visit for a good concert: MÜPA, the Old Academy of Music, Academy of Music, Opera-house, Budapest Jazzhouse etc. For you, who is fond of rock, pop or alternative music: Zöld Pardon, Budapest Park, Akvárium Klub and cosy cafés in the city center.