Basin boundaries of plane model of impacting coin Petr Frantík Michal Štafa F AKULTA STAVEBNÍ V YSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V B RNĚ
Motivation Simulation of a coin Probability of achieving of standing coin. Testing of numerical representation of impact forces. Final state dependency on initial conditions.
Model Basic assumptions Absolutely rigid ideal coin. Contact is reduced to penetration of corner points. Elastic surface modeled as Winkler foundation. Linear viscous damping acting only during impact.
Model Acting forces
Dynamical system Numerical solution By Symplectic Euler method. Two approaches were used: full time numerical solving and semi-analytical solving (free fall and contact case).
Dynamical simulation Parameters and solutions Diameter 2 cm, thickness 2 mm, weight 3.14 g, foundation stiffness N/m, damping coefficient 0.5 Ns/m.
Static states Stability comparison Rigid contact Elastic contact Rigid contact Elastic contact
Basin boundaries Initial conditions
This outcome has been achieved with the financial support of the project No. FAST-S F AKULTA STAVEBNÍ V YSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V B RNĚ