April 9, 2014 Meeting
Accountability & Leadership SolutionsRegion 4 ESC 4 ESC LaShonda Evans K-12 Counselor Supports Accountability & Leadership Solutions
A Test Reduction Bill A CTE/Vocational Bill SO WE MUST AVOID: Tracking students Grouping students into only one endorsement Reducing RIGOR in our courses – must be present in all courses Only concentrating on the tested subject areas A master schedule driven solely by staffing/certification
A Post-Secondary Readiness Bill that provides and/or helps ensures: Flexible graduation pathways Plans of study that meet the needs of ALL students TEKS that are continually addressed Career Awareness/Exploration/Planning PK-12 Parental engagement Flexible master scheduling
HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is” 6
7 Foundation Graduation Program 4 credits ELA 3 credits Mathematics 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 2 credits LOTE 1 credits Fine Art 1 credits Physical Education 5 credits Electives ______________________ TOTAL:22 credits HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is”
8 Endorsements STEM Business & Industry Arts & Humanities Public Services Multidisciplinary HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is”
9 Performance Acknowledgements A student may earn a performance acknowledgement for: Outstanding performance: In a Dual Credit course In Bilingualism/Biliteracy On an AP test or IB exam On the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT or the ACT Earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is”
10 Distinguished Level of Achievement* 4 credits in Math (including Algebra II) 4 credits in Science Curriculum requirements for Foundation & at least 1 Endorsement area *Mandatory to be eligible for top 10% Automatic Admission HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is”
Replaces: Minimum (MHSP), Recommended (RHSP), and Distinguished High School Graduation (DAP) plans for students entering 9 th grade in and beyond with the Foundation High School Graduation Program (22 credits) + Endorsements (26 credits). Accountability & Assessment – see Region 4 website (Quick Links): Graduation Requirements Graduation Transition Plan Options* Foundation Graduation Program Endorsements Performance Acknowledgements Distinguished Level of Achievement
Key Provisions of HB 5 Accountability Ratings Distinction Designations Additional Indicators Student Growth Measure Assessment 5 EOCsOptional EOCsSubstitutions Release Tests & Local Benchmarks Graduation Foundation PlanEndorsements Performance Acknowledgements Distinguished Level of Achievement Higher Ed. Enrollment Requirements Top 10%TSI Exemptions Dual Credit Courses Other Attendance & Pull-outs Locally Developed Courses SSI and AI
15 End of Course Assessments: English I, II, III (Reading and Writing) Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Biology, Chemistry, Physics World Geography, World History, US History 15% Rule: EOC score will be worth 15% of student’s final grade for that course
Accountability & Leadership SolutionsRegion 4 ESC 4 ESC Accountability Contact: Richard Blair, Senior Education Specialist, Accountability & Leadership Solutions Assessment Contact: Lindy Avila, Education Specialist, Accountability & Leadership Solutions
Foundation (22 credits) Endorsements (26 credits) Distinguished Achievements Performance Acknowledgements STEMBusiness & Industry Arts & Humanities Public Services Multi-disciplinary 15
Current 12 th GradersCurrent 9 th -11 th GradersCurrent 8 th Graders Options: The current graduation programs or, Foundation High School Program Options: The current graduation programs or, Foundation High School Program ONLY Option: Foundation High School Program Does not include: Endorsements Distinguished Achievement Levels Performance Acknowledgements Does include: Endorsements Distinguished Achievement Levels Performance Acknowledgements Does include: Endorsements Distinguished Achievement Levels Performance Acknowledgements
DisciplineFoundation Credits English4 Math3 Science3 Social Studies3 Language other than English2 Fine Arts1 Physical Education1 Electives5 Total Credits22
(26 credits) Mandates that student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: 26 credits (consisting of the Foundation program requirements + credits for at least one endorsement) 4 credits in mathematics 4 credits in science 2 additional elective credits Endorsements include: STEM (5 Options) Business & Industry (4 Options) Arts & Humanities (6 Options) Public Services (2 Options) Multi-disciplinary Studies (3 Options)
DisciplineFoundation Credits Endorsement Credits Distinguished Level of Achievement English444 Math344 (MUST include Algebra II) Science344 Social Studies333 Language other than English 222 Fine Arts111 Physical Education111 Electives577 Total Credits2226
Performance acknowledgements may be earned for outstanding performance: In a dual credit course In bilingualism and bi-literacy On a college advanced placement test International baccalaureate examination On the PSAT, ACT-Plan, SAT, or ACT A student may also receive a performance acknowledgment for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license.
A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: A total of four credits in Science A total of four credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II The remaining curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement A student in the top 10% of his/her class must have earned the Distinguished Level of Achievement to be eligible for automatic admission to a Texas public college or university.
Grants current seniors the opportunity to graduate under the new Foundation High School Program, if it is determined that they will not meet the requirements of their current graduation program (MHSP, RHSP, DAP). A specific speech course will not be a requirement under the Foundation High School Program. If a student (after completing the first credit of LOTE) demonstrates that he is unlikely to be able to complete the second credit he may substitute with other approved courses. Additional HB 5 Information: General Overview of Foundation High School Program HB5 Foundation FAQs - NEW HB5 Endorsement FAQs - NEW
The implementation schedule of HB 5 is of such a nature that it is parceled out over the course of 1-3 years Ideas to ensure that districts take key action steps within each transitional school year: HB 5 Planning Tool Action Items
1) The diploma and transcript (AAR) MUST clearly indicate the distinguished level of achievement under the FHSP, an endorsement, and a performance acknowledgement that the student earned. 2) Students MAY graduate without an endorsement. 3) Some courses MAY count toward both a required course and an endorsement. 4) Districts MAY define advanced courses and determine a coherent sequence of courses for an endorsement area provided prerequisites are met. 5) A student MUST earn the Distinguished Achievement level to be considered in the top 10% automatic admission to a Texas Institute of Higher Education.
25 A RECIPE FOR STUDENT SUCCESS: Foundation + Endorsement(s) + Performance Acknowledgements + Distinguished Level of Achievement = A College & Career Ready High School Graduate! HOUSE BILL 5: “How Sweet It Is”