Unit 1 We're having a great time! (A). Can you say something about the Great Wall?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 We're having a great time! (A)

Can you say something about the Great Wall?

The Great Wall is about 10,000 li long. It is like a long dragon. A famous saying : He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉

Can you guess what they are doing?

BettyLingling What is Betty doing? She is calling her mum. She is talking to her mum. She is telling her mum about the Great Wall.

Lingling and Betty What is Linging doing ? She is buying some presents and postcards. She is shopping for presents.

Daming Tony and Wang Hui What are they doing? Daming is lying in the sun Tony is eating an ice cream. Wang Hui is taking photos.

What are the people doing? They are waiting for the bus. What are the children doing? The children are enjoying the school trip.

What are Lingling and Betty doing? Lingling and Betty are writing postcards.

Match the words with the pictures. buy call drink drive eat enjoy have lie shop stand take talk tell wait for walk write Practice in pairs

Answers 1. talk;call;tell 2. shop;buy ;enjoy; 3. lie;walk;eat;drink;take ; have; 4. stand;wait for; drive 5. write

Listen and match these words with the words in Activity 1. photo postcard presents school trip bus ice cream juice lunch Answers :1. 2. buy presents; enjoy the school trip 3. eat an ice cream; drink juice; have lunch; take a photo; 4. wait for a bus 5. write a postcard

Tapescript 1. Lingling: Who are you talking to, Betty? Betty: I’m calling my mum. I’m telling her about the Great Wall and what we’re doing. 2. Betty: Are you enjoying the trip, Lingling? Lingling: Yes, I am. I’m shopping for presents and postcards.

Betty: Can you buy some postcards for me, please? 3. Daming: Oh, it’s lovely lying here in the sun, isn’t it? Tony: Yes, we’re having a great time, aren’t we? Let’s walk on the Great Wall. Daming: I’m having my lunch. Tony: And I’m eating an ice cream, and drinking some juice.

Wanghui: Tony! Daming! Smile! I’m taking a photo. 4. Daming: Look, everyone’s standing in line. Tony: Yes, they’re waiting for the bus. Betty: It’s driving up now. Where’ Lingling? What’s she doing? 5.Lingling: I’m here. I’m writing my postcards. You can have these.

The Great Wall

Betty is on her school trip to the Great Wall.She’s calling her mother to tell her what they are doing. Listen to their dialogue.

1.Who are on the Great wall ? 2.What’s Betty doing ? 3.What are Tony,Wang Hui, Daming, and Lingling doing ?

Work in pairs. Match the people 1-7 with the actions a-g, and say what people are doing. 1.Betty 2.Lingling 3.Daming 4.Tony 5.Lingling and Betty 6.Wang Hui 7.The children a. He’s lying in the sun. b. She’s talking to her mother. c. They are enjoying the school trip. d. She’s shopping for presents. e. He’s eating an ice cream. f. They’re writing postcards. g. He’s taking photos. 1---b 2---d 3---a 4---e 5---f 6---g 7---c

Part 5 write full sentences for your answers in Activity 4. Use names. 1.Betty is talking to her mother. 2.Lingling is shopping for presents. ……

Write full sentences for your answers in Activity 4. Use names. 1). Betty is talking to her mother. 2). Lingling is shopping for presents. 3). Daming is lying in the sun. 4). Tony is eating an ice cream.

5). Lingling and Betty are writing postcard. 6). Wang Hui is taking photos. 7). The children are enjoying the school trip. Say what the people are doing in the pictures in Activity 1.

Read and practice Part 3 in pairs

Important points 1. call sb. / phone sb. / telephone sb. /give sb. a call / give sb. a ring / ring sb. up 打电话给 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做 take photos 照相 4. the Great Wall 长城

5. wait for 等待 6. have a good time= enjoy oneself 玩得痛快

Part 7 Pronunciation Listen and repeat. / m / mum me home ice cream / n / can sun now / ŋ / standing talking having eating

Grammar 现在进行时: 表示正在进行的动作或状态。 构成: 助动词 be+ 动词的现在分词形式 ( -ing 形式)

举例 : I am talking with a boy. 我在同一个男孩说话。 She is listening to me. 她在听我说。 We are eating. 我们在吃。

动词的现在分词的变化规则 ( 动词 -ing 的构成 ) 1). 一般在词尾加 ing , 如: read-reading look-looking play-playing eat-eating 2). 以不发音的 -e 结尾的词先把去掉 e 再 加 -ing 如: take-taking have-having

3 ). 以辅音字母 + 元音字母 + 辅音字母结尾 的重读闭音结尾的词, 应双写最后的 辅音字母, 再加 ing 如 : sit-sitting run-running get-getting swim-swimming shop-shopping put-putting set-setting stop-stopping begin-beginning 4). 特殊 lie-lying

. 动词 -ing 形式的构成 一般在动词原形 后 +ing go ask going asking 以不发音的 e 结尾 的,去 e , +ing write take close writing taking closing 重读闭音节以一 个辅音字母结尾 的,双写这一字 母 +ing get run swim put getting running swimming putting

Add –ing to the following verbs look drink have catch draw think work give fly clean looking drinking having catching drawing thinking working giving flying cleaning

Part 8. Listen and repeat buying enjoying lying playing driving having liking taking calling standing talking waiting telling running shopping getting beginning swimming

P9. Listen and check ( √ ) the words you hear. 1 a) stand in b) standing 2 a) read in b) reading 3 a) walk in b) walking 4 a) play in b) playing 5 a) drive in b) driving 6 a) run in b) running

Part 10 Speaking Work in pairs. Say what people doing at the moment. I'm learning English. My partner is listenin to me. My mother is shopping. My teacher is... We...
