School Improvement Plan Goals % of students will meet the End-of-Course testing requirements of the High School Exit Standards % of JP Knapp Early College Staff will become proficient in the development and implementation of Product/Project/Problem Based Lessons. 3. Every student at JP Knapp Early College High school will have an appropriate personal relationship with an adult. 4. Every student at the JP Knapp Early College High school will experience success in all virtual high school and college courses. 5. Every staff member and student at the JP Knapp Early College High school will become proficient users of technology.
Smart Goal #1 Results & Next Steps 100% of students will meet the End-of-Course testing requirements of the High School Exit Standards Results English I EOC – 98% Proficient, 100% Met Exit Standard Algebra I EOC - 75% Proficient, 96% Met Exit Standard, 4% received waiver Next Steps Added more instructional time to the master schedule (all classes are 90 minutes) Implemented Common Instructional Framework (Early College) “Rounds” Model of Professional Development
Smart Goal #2 Results & Next Steps 100% of JP Knapp Early College Staff will become proficient in the development and implementation of Product/Project/Problem Based Lessons. Results Early College teachers participated in instructional technology training (2 sessions) prior to the school year and received continuing training from Ms. Blades throughout the year. This training contributed to projects using technology. Students reported in surveys that they participated in projects and collaborated with other students on a regular basis – 70+ percent of responses. Next Steps New Schools Project (New Teacher Training) held in September Instructional Coach will conduct “Rounds” with teachers during her visits (focused on our framework)
Smart Goal #3 Results & Next Steps Every student at JP Knapp Early College High school will have an appropriate personal relationship with an adult. Results 95% of students felt welcomed to school after the first week (08-09) 99% of students felt that early college staff cared about their success (08-09) 97% attendance rate during the school year 100% of students felt satisfied with their Spartan Summer Camp experience (08-09) 100% of incoming freshmen felt that they had a positive relationship with at least one (1) early college staff member (09-10) Very few discipline referrals throughout the school year Next Steps Continue to frontload personalization strategies through “Meet and Greet,” “Spartan Summer Camp,” “Home Visits,” and parent information sessions Continue to schedule extracurricular activities such as summer ECU trip, ECU Football Game trip, Washington DC trip Continue to build academic seminar into the master schedule for all students Continue to collect survey data from students regarding personalization Continue to use PLC time in an effort to improve personalization in our school
Smart Goal #4 Results & Next Steps Every student at the JP Knapp Early College High school will experience success in all virtual high school and college courses. Results Pass rate of 98% in all online courses (08-09); 100% after summer school Grade Distribution in online course: 19% - A’s; 37% - B’s; 27% - C’s; 15% - D’s; 2% F’s 31% of early college students voluntarily enrolled in additional NCVPS courses during the Spring and Summer (08-09) – 100% Passed 46 students enrolled in college courses (POL 120, ART 111, PSY 150) (‘09-’10) 5 college courses offered to students this year (approximately 205 total enrollments)(‘09-’10) ASSET Testing Results – 55% of students placed into college courses (08-09) Next Steps Continue to encourage students to take additional NCVPS courses in the Spring and Summer Monitor closely students enrolled in online college courses Continue to work with COA to expand course offerings Continue to collect student data in all online courses Continue ASSET Testing for all students who have not placed into COA course (Feb 09-10)
Smart Goal #5 Results & Next Steps Every staff member and student at the JP Knapp Early College High school will become proficient users of technology. Results Early College staff received training before, during, and after year 1 (Summer Training Sessions, District Instructional Technology Facilitator during the year, Instructional technologist [Mr. Samberg] this summer) Students required to create products using technology (PowerPoint, Movie Maker, Word, Excel) Student success in online courses (Pass rate of 98% in all online courses; 100% after summer school) demonstrated that they had a certain level of technology skills (Blackboard, , instant messaging, attaching files, recording voice) High use of mobile computer labs, Smartboards, and presentation equipment for classroom instruction Installed wireless access points throughout the school facility Hired a full-time instructional technologist/media specialist (09-10) Added two new computer labs and media center computer lab (09-10) Next Steps Information Highway room completion Continue to increase teacher proficiency in using technology in the classroom through weekly professional development (Fast Fact Fridays) Provide projection carts and Smartboards for all teachers Provide laptop computers for all teachers & students Implement electronic graduation portfolio (09-10) Use technology to deliver school information (podcast, Facebook, Twitter, Website) Complete installation drops of cable televisions in all classrooms (09-10) Continue to monitor the use of technology in instruction through formal observations, peer observations, and instructional coach visits