the real you and the virtual franchise “do what you love in the service of others who love what you do” the real you and the virtual franchise “do what you love in the service of others who love what you do” mick daly nmd glenwood springs, co
Same Product and Tools Same Product and Tools Same Business Model Same Business Model Proven Proven Working Working Same for Everyone Same for Everyone Duplicatable and Simple Duplicatable and Simple Takes Hard Work Takes Hard Work WHY – are some fabulously successful? WHY – are some fabulously successful? WHY – do others struggle? WHY – do others struggle? What’s the X FACTOR ? juice plus+ virtual franchise
“You can be whoever you want to be!” ?? ?? You CAN be who you were You CAN be who you were MADE to be! the ‘you’ factor
Who are you? Strong or Weak? Strong or Weak? Pioneer or Settler? Pioneer or Settler? Open or Reserved? Open or Reserved? Precise or Relaxed? Precise or Relaxed? Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert or Introvert? Passionate or Subdued? Passionate or Subdued? Controlling or Acquiescent? Controlling or Acquiescent? Hard driving or Soft spoken? Hard driving or Soft spoken? People person or Task oriented? People person or Task oriented? What’s your true Identity? Do you Know?! the real you
“fearfully and wonderfully made …”
Danger #1 – Believing you are someone special Danger #2 – Believing you are nobody how you see yourself
“I know I’m somebody, ‘cause God don’t make no junk”
S trengths (developed Abilities) S trengths (developed Abilities) H eart (Passions) H eart (Passions) A bilities (Talents, Gifts) A bilities (Talents, Gifts) P ersonality (how you are wired) P ersonality (how you are wired) E xperience (your L.E. degree ) E xperience (your L.E. degree )You-nique how are you ‘somebody’?
What I love to do (‘whole-hearted’): What I love to do (‘whole-hearted’): Run, hike, bike, soccer, read, computer, Tivo! Pioneer, take some risks, push the envelope Help people grow and achieve their potential Anything with excellence What I’m good at (‘strong suit’): What I’m good at (‘strong suit’): All the above plus+ (Tivo?!) Pioneering & persevering (start & never quit) Encouraging, mentoring, coaching Speaking, writing, team building Visioneering, big picture What I’m poor at (‘weak suit’): What I’m poor at (‘weak suit’): Golf, admin, details, repetitive tasks, follow-up, patience, listening, …. my shape
my shape … life is a race “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1
You can identify your SHAPE and learn to: Capitalize on your Strengths Capitalize on your Strengths – Identify your Talents – Discover your Gifts & Abilities – Develop them into Strengths Manage around your Weaknesses Manage around your Weaknesses Design your perfect Life DMO Design your perfect Life DMO your you-nique shape
“Do what you love in the service of others who love what you do” The Radical Leap What I love to do … ( satisfaction) What I love to do … ( satisfaction) That I do well … ( success) That I do well … ( success) That helps others … ( service) That helps others … ( service) Where they intersect = the X Factor Where they intersect = the X Factor X my life dmo … your life dmo
x factor = sweet spot
x factor = your sweet spot It’s the ZONE where you were meant to live … how you were meant to operate (your dmo ) It’s where the REAL YOU appears (satisfaction) (satisfaction) It’s where you make a real make a real difference difference (service) (service)
do what you love, in the service of others, in the service of others, who love what you do who love what you do
Intersection of: Success (Strengths) Success (Strengths) Satisfaction (Heart) Satisfaction (Heart) Service (Others) Service (Others) X marks the Sweet Spot the Zone where you were meant to live X FOR OTHERS DO WELL LOVE TO DO do what you love, in the service of others, in the service of others, who love what you do who love what you do
FOR OTHERS DO WELL STRENGTHS LOVE TO DO HEART sweet spot “in the zone” Sweet Spot
Living, operating, functioning exactly as you were meant to You know who you are, why you are, who you are meant to be, what you were made to do, who you are meant to serve … you love it, and so do they! STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweet Spot sweet spot perfection
How many people live How many people live with no sweet spot? - no growth - no growth - no passion - no passion - no security - no security - no community/friendship - no community/friendship - no achievement/recognition - no achievement/recognition STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS ? sweet spot worst case Under-utilized Unfulfilled Unserved
If you are not at peace financially … financially … If you are not feeling fulfilled … fulfilled … If your life and your values are out of sync values are out of sync If you feel as though something is missing … something is missing … Then your sweet spot needs to expand STRENGTHS HEART Sweet Spot OTHERS sweet spot abundance
The Bigger your Sweet Spot… The Greater your Assets Earl Nightingale: “Your success will always be measured by the quality and quantity of service you render. The only people who make money, work in a mint. The rest of us must earn money. Success is not the result of making money; earning money is the result of success — and success is in direct proportion to our service.” STRENGTHS HEART Sweet Spot OTHERS the sweet spot … it’s where it’s where the money is! the money is!
Your Comfort Zone “ Expand your Comfort Zone!” … by Expanding your Sweet Spot Change your “Life DMO” Try starting with your HEART STRENGTHS HEART Comfort Zone OTHERS sweet spot boundaries
Do more of what you LOVE what you LOVE that serves Others that serves Others sweet spot expansion STRENGTHS OTHERS HEART
Do more of what you LOVE what you LOVE that serves Others that serves Others Become whole-hearted in service to others Next, work on your STRENGTHS HEART sweet spot expansion STRENGTHS OTHERS Comfort Zone
Do more of what you Love and DO WELL that serves Others OTHERS sweet spot expanded HEART STRENGTHS
Do more of what you Love and DO WELL that serves Others Develop your Strengths Compare your Old Bigger Sweet Spot = Bigger Comfort Zone STRENGTHS Comfort Zone OTHERS sweet spot expanded HEART Comfort Zone
What about the rest? ‘duty’reading running running computer computer tivo/movies tivo/movies‘charity’ STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweetest Spot outside my sweet spot … undevelopedunfocused
STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweetest Spot Your Life DMO goal: 60%+ of your life is 60%+ of your life is ~ in your o Strengths o Abilities o Gifts ~ from your heart 40%- in areas of your weakness 40%- in areas of your weakness sweet spot best case
Standard Business Model Standard Business Model Proven Proven Working Working Same for everyone Same for everyone “Duplication” “Duplication” WHY – are some fabulously successful? WHY – are some fabulously successful? WHY – do others struggle? WHY – do others struggle? WHERE’s your SWEET SPOT in your Virtual Franchise? WHERE’s your SWEET SPOT in your Virtual Franchise? juice plus+ virtual franchise X
STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweetest Spot Your DMO What if you knew What if you knew – what you love to do? – what you do best? – what best serves others? What if you designed your DMO for your Sweet Spot? What if you designed your DMO for your Sweet Spot? What would that look like - NMD? What would that look like - NMD? What difference would it make to your life? What difference would it make to your life? Virtual Franchise sweet spot
Real You Not! VF System Not! VF System Duplicatable Duplicatable Not! Virtual Franchise - Do it YOUR Way! Sweet Spot ?10% X 60%+ 30%-
Real You VF System VF System Duplicatable Duplicatable Excitement & Passion “sell” Sweet Spot
STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweetest Spot Mick’s DMO H S Phone work Phone work Compute r √ √ Compute r √ √ Face to Face √ √ Face to Face √ √ Groups √ √ Groups √ √ Share CDs/DVDs Share CDs/DVDs Follow-up Follow-up Customer Care Customer Care WPs√ WPs√ Conference Calls √ √ Conference Calls √ √ 3-way Calls√ 3-way Calls√ Writing (letters, s) √ √ Writing (letters, s) √ √ Teaching Teaching Coaching √ √ Coaching √ √ Virtual Franchise sweet spot Sweet Spot includes your prefered environment, eg. Time of Day: NOT morning!
STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS Sweetest Spot Jenny’s DMO H S Phone work√ Phone work√ Computer √ √ Computer √ √ Face to Face √ √ Face to Face √ √ Groups√ Groups√ Share CDs/DVDs√ Share CDs/DVDs√ Follow-up√ Follow-up√ Customer Care √ √ Customer Care √ √ WPs √ √ WPs √ √ Conference Calls√ Conference Calls√ 3-way Calls√ 3-way Calls√ Writing (letters, s) √ √ Writing (letters, s) √ √ Teaching √ √ Teaching √ √ Coaching√ Coaching√ Virtual Franchise sweet spot
We cannot avoid all the things we don’t like… We cannot avoid all the things we don’t like… – or things we don’t well. I’ve done my fair share of (in my weak suit): I’ve done my fair share of (in my weak suit): – Phone work – 1 on 1s – Sharing CDs/DVDs – Follow up (I should have done/do more!) – Customer Care (Jenny is so good at it!) – Teaching (Jenny is so much better at it!) dmo “damage control”
Discover your Real SELF Design your VF DMO for your SHAPE Work the FUNdamentals: – Do what you LOVE – Do what you DO WELL – Do whatever ‘damage control’ you need – Be of Service to OTHERS Just Do It! … YOUR WAY! STRENGTHS HEART OTHERS X Your Virtual Franchise sweet spot dmo
Write your STORY to enter your Sweet Spot: S – Strengths (how you get things done) S – Strengths (how you get things done) T – Topics (what you want to work with) T – Topics (what you want to work with) O – Optimal conditions (environments where we work best) O – Optimal conditions (environments where we work best) R – Relationships (your best roles and relationships to others) R – Relationships (your best roles and relationships to others) Y – Yes! (joyous affirmation … sweet spot delight!) Y – Yes! (joyous affirmation … sweet spot delight!) challenge
The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success 1.The Law of Value Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment 2. The Law of Compensation Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them 3. The Law of Influence Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first 4. The Law of Authenticity The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself 5. The Law of Receptivity The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving be a go-giver
Do a LOT of what you LOVE… and of what you DO WELL… and of what you DO WELL… that HELPS a LOT of other people… Find, expand, and live in your Sweet Spot bottom line challenge
In Life if you think you CAN or you think you CAN’T You’re right! challenge