~ JAYDEN SMITH ~ The Revolutions of 1848
How They Started and Why They Failed Immediate successes turned into quick disasters Minorities fought each other Hungarians toward Austria, but refused their own Two Reasons Stand Out: Unity of revolutionaries made them possible, but divisions shattered their success Working classes worked hard to succeed, but were given no suffrage
Another French Revolution Industrial and agricultural depression weighed on the 3 rd Estate Louis-Philippe’s government refused to change Adolphe Thiers Radical leader, fought for reform, ran when forbade to gather Provisional Govt. set up Constituent Assembly by male suffrage Socialist Louis Blanc Workers fight government…lose badly Second Republic elects Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Germanic Revolution Revolutionary cries for change King Frederick William IV answers the cries Frankfurt Assembly by male suffrage Fight over “Big German” and “Small German” Frederick William IV refuses to be “emperor of the Germans” and the delegates go home German liberals failed to create a German state
Upheavals in Austrian Empire Hungarian liberals under Louis Kossuth wanted “commonwealth” status Revolutionary forces take capital Vienna Constituent Assembly and liberal constitution Hungary has only tie to Austria by Habsburg allegiance Ferdinand I waits, then strikes and retakes Vienna Abdicates to nephew Francis Joseph I to restore imperial govt. Kossuth holds his own, then Russia steps in to win
Revolts in Italian States Italy’s “risorgimento” leadership goes to Guiseppe Mazzini Nationalist who aimed at a united Italian republic Cristina Belgioioso Fled to Paris and started a newspaper for Italian unification Rebellions began as ruler after ruler granted new constitutions Charles Albert fought Austrian domination Counterrevolutionary forces and rulers recovered power