I Saw the Number 5 in Gold Artist: Charles Demuth
I Saw the Number 5 in Gold Artist: Charles Demuth * He saw a red firetruck with the # 5 written in gold paint.
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number “9” in Gold
I Saw the Number 5 in Gold Write your large number in the middle of the paper (with pencil). Trace your number onto the gold paper. Cut out the gold number. Glue the gold number onto you big white paper. Draw lines with a ruler and pencil. With a pencil, write one equation in each section. Make sure all your equations are correct. Switch to sharpie, and write all your equations over and over and over… Trace all your lines with sharpie. Paint color in the background.