MESH Follow-on Strategy Jon Davies MESH Project Co-ordinator JNCC Gez Thulbourn MESH Finance Manager JNCC
Why? Develop mapping strategies to ensure further data collection and continued improvement in quality and coverage of habitat maps, plus their use in spatial environmental management Leading to… International habitat maps maintained via updated national mapping programmes
Main Goals Improving and enhancing the quality of the key products Promoting these key products to improve their uptake in the wider marine scientific, policy-making and environmental management community
Maintain and enhance the products MESH Products Mapping guidance Habitat models webGIS & metadata catalogue MESH group
webGIS & metadata catalogue
webGIS & metadata catalogue Secure a long-term home Update as new studies are completed Add new functions – move to 4D? Extend coverage Improve quality
MESH Guidance for habitat mapping What is habitat mapping? What do I want to map? How do I collect the data? How do I make a map? How good is my map? How can I use my map?
MESH Guidance for habitat mapping Ensure guidance remains accessible Update with new advances in mapping science & technology Promote to the regulatory & user community as a common standard Develop training programmes
Habitat modelling
Future habitat modelling Promote models to user community Further validate models Enhance models to meet specific user needs Habitat sensitivity Fisheries management Build decision support tools
MESH Partnership
MESH Partnership Promote expertise and act in advisory capacity Invite a wider membership Broaden geographical scope of organisations within partnership
Maintain and enhance the products MESH Products Mapping guidance Habitat models webGIS & metadata catalogue MESH group
Promote MESH products Promote products to a wider audience Explore new uses for existing products Embed products into policy work at national/regional/international level Make products more accessible
Where else could the MESH products be used? Assess and monitor status Integrated resource mapping Sensitivity mapping & assessment of impact of human activities Marine spatial planning Support the assessment of ecosystem function
MESH Products Mapping guidance Habitat models webGIS MESH group Spatial planning Managing economic exploitation Integrated resource mapping Expand geographic coverage Extend to 4D coverage Support Extend range of habitats Survey planning tools Extend techniques Develop Scenario modelling Dynamic ecosystem modelling Modelling habitat probability Develop Education & public awareness Technical advisory group Promote Extend MESH Products
MESH Products Mapping guidance Habitat models webGIS MESH group International policy makers Regional policy makers National policy makes Advise Regulatory authorities Coastal zone managers Local & regional planners Exploiters & developers Data Scientific advisers Researchers & academics Support NGOs & charities Educators Consultants Advise MESH Stakeholders
Summary Maintain and enhance the MESH products Promote MESH products to a wider audience and for a wider range of uses
Today’s examination question… Should the MESH Project pursue a follow-on strategy? Discuss…..
Contact Jon Davies JNCC Monkstone House City Road Peterborough PE1 1JY. UK Gez Thulbourn JNCC Monkstone House City Road Peterborough PE1 1JY. UK