Agenda Who is DanielleFavorite Stuffed AnimalFavorite ColorFavorite PersonFavorite ActivitiesFavorite Cartoon
Danielle’s Family Papa, Jacob, Danielle, Jamie, Grandma and Uncle Jason
First Day of School Danielle was being shy Had to bring a friend More purple
Riverview School This is Danielle’s school She started here in Pre-K Now she’s in First Grade
Danielle & Fuzzy Fuzzy is about 4- years-old She’s a Ty Beanie Bear This is Danielle’s baby
Fuzzy at School
Favorite Color Purple, there is no other color Her room is purple She has purple fingernail polish
Danielle’s Room
Purple Fingers
Danielle & Papa Danielle loves her Papa He calms her down She helps him pluck turkey feathers She is his shadow She naps with his picture
Turkey Anyone
Papa’s Picture
Favorite Activities Parks and Playgrounds Petting Zoos Animal Farms Playing with the Cats
Jim Pecks
Clifford the Big Red Dog Clifford is a 20 foot dog His dog friends are T-Bone and Cleo His best friend is Emily Elizabeth
Danielle & Clifford
Morning Routine Cuddling on the couch Watching Clifford Waiting for mom
Playing Outside Danielle likes to play outside Being an only child she plays well alone She has a brand new swing set
Danielle having fun
Danielle is a happy childEnjoys lots of activitiesLoves her PapaHas a favorite stuffed animalIsn’t afraid of dead turkeysLoves Clifford the Big Red Dog
Turkey pictures courtesy of Marilyn BaurClifford cartoon picture courtesy of PBS Remaining pictures courtesy of Jamie Hoover