Julius Caesar Essays Introduction Paragraph: Don’t need “support” here – just intro and support in the rest of the paper ABSOLUTELY NO: “I’m going to tell you about” or “My paper will be about”
Julius Caesar Essays Quotes: Citation goes at the very END of the sentence: Brutus said “blah blah” and the crowd was mad (Shakespeare 26). If you start in the middle of a quote, or don’t finish the entire thing, use … either before or after. Paraphrasing quotes longer than 4-5 lines. Your entire paper should not be made up of JUST quotes! Transition into quotes – Brutus said, “blah blah…” Your own commentary between quotes.
Julius Caesar Essays Writing: “Well” and “So” weaken your paper Play-by-play…. I already read the play, don’t just give me a play-by-play of what happened! I want to hear what you think about it, not just a summary! “Well” and “So” weaken your paper
Julius Caesar Essays Grammar: Not Brutus’s – it is Brutus’ Julius Caesar is a play – Needs to be either underlined or italicized if you are referring to the play itself. The title of your essay should be capitalized “Brutus should have” not “Brutus should of” No SLANG “Till” should be “Until” “cause” should be “because”