Mantychore FP7 Project specific issues and Manticore II status.


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Presentation transcript:

Mantychore FP7 Project specific issues and Manticore II status


MANTICORE II status Project Outcomes – Reports WP7 Pilot Projects Reports x 3 WP10 Marketplace Algorithms and Simulations WP11 Business Use Cases – Software (WP1-6) Manticore GUI Manticore Server Engine

MANTICORE II status Pilot Project Reports – Good Bug reports Use Cases definition Current features feedback Future feature requests – Bad Use Cases not defined until pilot Bug reports and feature requests out of time for development effort

MANTICORE II status Software – Software GUI Desktop based – Software Engine User and ACL Management Interface Management Logical Router Management IPNetwork Management – RIP, OSPF, BGP, IPv6

MANTICORE 2 Features Router configuration Support of different models of router(Juniper M10, M20, M7i) Support of logical routers. Creation, modifications and deletion Configuration of physical interfaces Support of logical interfaces. Creation, modifications and deletion Compatibility with IPv6

MANTICORE 2 Features Share resources Manage resources (routers and IP networks) which are virtualized New roles for the network administration. The virtual administrator is responsible to manage virtual resources. Permission management. Permissions for each resource and operation.

MANTICORE 2 Features Logical IP Networks It permits to create logical IP networks as resources which are formed by virtual routers Configuration of networks which different routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, BGP Compatibility with IPv6 networks Multiple operations at same time with priorities.


Project Provide the European research community with IP Networks as a Service over the NRENs e-Infrastructure for the benefit of their research activities, enhancing the quality of the tools available for European Research and increasing the research capabilities and participation of researchers.

Research Partners Users NRENs Commercial Operator

Introduction MANTICORE provides a software implementation and tools for providing and managing routers and IP networks as services. – Router as a Service: provide remote access to physical or logical routers and delegate the rights of use to allow to the customers the management and configuration as if they were the owners – IP Network as a Service: provide the access to an IP network, and delegate its rights in the same way that Router as a Service. By means of these services: – Infrastructure Provisioning: Marketplace of Physical/logical routers and IP networks – Creation and configuration of IP networks – Connectivity Provisioning: IP networks already configured MANTYCHORE will be deployed over the infrastructure of 2 NRENS and 3 initial users. 12


Objective 1: IP Network as a Service How it will be achieved: – HEAnet and NORDUnet will offer pre-operational services to virtual research communities – 3 different research communities (e-Health in Denmark, Grid in Ireland and media in the UK) will use the IP Network services and evaluate how they facilitate their research activities (in terms of flexibility, efficiency, budget savings, …) – Telefonica I+D will carry out a study on the feasibility of using MANTICORE services in a commercial environment, from an operator’s point of view – Collaboration with other projects and NRENs to bring MANTICORE services to the maximum number of users (letters of support from redIRIS, DANTE, SURFnet, JAnet, Sigmanet, OSAMI-commons, Clarin, IBBT) 14 Enable HEAnet and NORDUnet to provide IP Network Services to their customers through the MANTYCHORE tools, enhancing their service portfolio; thus providing virtual research communities with a useful service that can improve their research activities and optimize the efficiency of use of e- Infrastructures.

Objective 2: Integrated Layer 1-3 services How it will be achieved: – Integration of MANTICORE II results with Argia and Ether Integration of all the engine drivers: The engine module provide a model to manage and configure any device model of any vendor. This integration will allow the management and configuration of devices at layers 1, 2 and 3 of the OSI model. Integration of all web services: This integration will provide a unified remote interface to be able to access layer 1-3 based network services. Integration of all UI modules: Users and administrators will be able to request the integrated layer 1-3 services or manage them by using a single GUI. – Software refinement based on requirements of the NRENs and user communities The software will be customized to make sure it fulfils the needs of all the project stakeholders 15 Refine and expand the MANTICORE services provided by means of integrating the results of the privately funded MANTICORE II project with the IaaS Framework based solutions for optical (Argia) and Ethernet/MPLS networks (Ether); thus being able to provide integrated services at levels 1-3 to the research community.

Objective 3: Marketplace for resource trading How it will be achieved: – Study and simulation of the different mechanisms required to implement the resource marketplace (resource publication, request submission and resource matchmaking and allocation mechanisms) – Implementation of a marketplace prototype, and validation with the SA1 software. – Deployment of the prototype, and use of it as a prototype means for the user communities to discover and access HEAnet’s and NORDUnet’s resources. 16 Innovate in the business model used in services based on IaaS, establishing a marketplace where all Infrastructure Providers can publish their available resources with their usage conditions (SLA, price), and all customers can automatically negotiate the SLAs getting the best resource combination for their needs.

Objective 4: Carbon-neutral eInfrastructures How it will be achieved: – GSN uses virtualization technologies to allow the nodes in a network (both hosts and network devices) to change its location based on renewable energy availability (hidro, solar, wind). MANTYCHORE will provide services for this resource reallocation – MANTICORE and GSN will collaborate in a joint experimentation to identify and try to address the issues of having the nodes in the network powered by unreliable power sources. Research on algorithms for policies selection and resource optimisation. – MANTICORE and GSN will use a joint infrastructure, with some nodes powered by renewable energy sources, to experiment with and validate the scenarios identified by both projects. 17 Use MANTYCHORE services to contribute to the research performed in the GreenStar Network (GSN) project to enable carbon-neutral infrastructures.

Activities: 1.Analyze market telco situation for IaaS services (commodities, prices, supply and demand, trends, revenue models, size …) 2.Identify: Market actors: – Stakeholders: e.g. network providers, infrastructure providers, vendors, … – Potential Users: e.g. academic communities, scientific corporations, distributed business, … – Incoming actors: e.g. city councils, virtual operators, … MANTYCHORE services: – Direct: Router as a Service and IP Network as a Service. – Derivative: new customized and dynamic connectivity services. Competitors and Risks. 18 Objective 5: Commercial Exploitation Evaluate the likehood of success of MANTYCHORE services in a commercial telco environment and elaborate a business plan focused on this service for telco operators.

MANTYCHORE Toolset (binaries + source code): – MANTYCHORE Server – Web application for administrators and users Operational experience on providing IP Networks as a Service in NRENs User experience and feedback on using the service in 3 different areas (e-Health, Media, Grid) and evaluation of the commercial potential of the service (Telefónica I+D) Research and Experimentation results: – Clean energy powered e-Infrastructures, energy metering, impact of virtual infrastructure relocation on the user experience. – Resource marketplaces as a mechanism for automatically negotiating and allocating infrastructure resources. Results delivered by a mature consortium that has been working since 2007 to deploy operational IaaS network services. IP Network as a Service fully encompasses the vision of a Future Internet built on services and virtualization technologies. Project Outcomes 19


Activities distribution

NA1 Project Management Objectives – Manage and coordinate all the activities of the project. Reporting progress and finished work, planning. Ensures that the project objectives are achieved. Control the progress of the different partners. – Manage the financial and technical issues. Deliverables 1.Project Presentation 2.First Periodic Activity Report 3.Final Activity Report 4.Project Results Evaluation Report

NA2 Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardisation and Liaisons Objectives – Dissemination activities Stimulate studies, results and evaluations reports. Publicity material, conferences, workshops. – Contributing to standard bodies. Deliverables 1.Exploitation, dissemination, standardization and liaison plan. 2.Project website. 3.Report on related research, exploitation and dissemination activities and planning update. 4.Report on standards, exploitation and dissemination activities and liaison with related initiatives. 5.MANTYCHORE software business plan.

NA3 Consolidating User Community and Users Training Objectives – Extend the contacts with existing user organizations. Search for new NRENs. – Provide the necessary knowledge to users. – Training activities for NRENs and the User Community. Deliverables 1.User manuals. 2.User community final report.

NA Gantt

SA1 Software Refinement Objectives – Analysis of the user requirements – Implementation effort – Improve MANTICORE II Optical level (L1) Ethernet level (L2) – Improve the interface Simple and usable Deliverables 1.Requirements analysis report 2.Software development report

SA2 IP Networks as a Service for Virtual Research Communities Objectives – MANTYCHORE services into an operational environment. Deploy. Perform a study to analyze the feasibility. Deliverables 1.Feasibility of IaaS in a commercial environment. 2.Report on IaaS deployment in NRENs, and its use by virtual research communities.

SA Gantt

JRA1 Infrastructure Resources Marketplace Objectives – Implementation of the MANTYCHORE marketplace mechanism Study, design and simulation of the necessary algorithms. Deliverables 1.Infrastructure marketplace mechanisms study 2.Implementation of the marketplace report

JRA2 Zero-Carbon emission virtual infrastructures Objectives – Integration of NREN infrastructures in GreenStar Network (GSN) project. Adding new resources Deliverables 1.Integration between MANTYCHORE and GSN report. 2.Networks migration tests report.

JRA Gantt


Global Effort Distribution


Governing Bodies B Implementation