1st Workshop European Nanotechnology for Thermoelectrics Cluster Thermoelectrics and nanotechnology: from innovation to industry European projects meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

1st Workshop European Nanotechnology for Thermoelectrics Cluster Thermoelectrics and nanotechnology: from innovation to industry European projects meeting 17 September 2013 Host event of the E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING September Warsaw University of Technology

OBJECTIVES This Workshop intends to: - highlight key results of the Thermoelectrics (TE) projects in the EU 7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) and their technology readiness level in a value-chain approach - give a complete overview of the entire portfolio of projects on TE in the NMP, Energy, Transport and ICT programmes at the end of FP7 - bring forward the global picture of TE research and innovation in Europe and highlight the impact of nanotechnology in this area. - enable the nanotechnology and TE communities in Europe to identify joint collaboration and application areas, and gain new contacts and new ideas for strategic industrial partnerships. - launch the EU Nano4TE Cluster of projects and make key recommendations on future research needs in the TE domain for contributing to the set-up of a nanotechnology roadmap to foster the development of TE in Europe and the transfer of key results to industry. PROGRAMME The one-day Workshop will take place on 17th of September 2013 as a host event of the E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting at Warsaw University of Technology. An Opening Session will be followed by three technical sessions dedicated to three Subclusters of projects addressing different TE technologies. Ten European projects from various Programmes will be represented. Each project will highlight objectives and approach within the Nano4TE Cluster, focus on benefits and barriers of the nanotechnology-based research method, where applicable, on the (expected) results and any further research need, as well as on the industrial application perspectives, patents, technology readiness levels, commercialisation potential, and industrial impact. It is also planned to include a session on cross-cutting issues affecting TE development and markets, as well as presentations of National Programmes and initiatives. Each session will be followed by a discussion to help consolidating the information for contributing to the set-up of a nanotechnology roadmap for TE for PARTICIPATION The Workshop can be attended only upon invitation and there is no attendance fee. It is addressed to: - partners of the EU-funded projects active in TE and in nanotechnology - TE national representatives from the Member States - TE technical experts and end-users from the European industry - EC Project Officers from the Programmes concerned WORKSHOP ORGANISATION & CONTACT Dr Julia Simon, LITEN – Laboratoire d’innovation pour les technologies des énergies nouvelles et les nanomatériaux, CEA, France, NEAT Project Coordinator SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr Sophia Fantechi, European Commission, Directorate‐General for Research & Innovation, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Dr Bertrand Fillon, LITEN – Laboratoire d’innovation pour les technologies des énergies nouvelles et les nanomatériaux, CEA, France, Vice President of European Affairs Dr Julia Simon, LITEN – Laboratoire d’innovation pour les technologies des énergies nouvelles et les nanomatériaux, CEA, France, NEAT Project Coordinator Dr Małgorzata Lewandowska, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering 17th September AM Welcome & Opening of the Workshop: Introduction and objectives of the Nano4TE Cluster Presentation of the projects in the Cluster: - Subcluster 1 - TE bulk nanomaterials development TE materials based on powder metallurgy technologies - Subcluster 2 - TE thin film nanomaterials development TE materials based on microelectronics /printed technologies PM Presentation of the projects in the Cluster : - Subcluster 3 - TE systems - Innovation in TE and opportunities & barriers for market development - TE National Programmes & Initiatives - Closing Session & Round Table: Nanotechnology as an opportunity for the success of the TE industry