1 BSc Minor Operation & Exploitation Wouter Beelaerts In cooperation with Dries Visser, Max Mulder Introduction to the BSc Minor program
2 BSc Minor Operation & Exploitation LEARNING OBJECTIVES Basic knowledge of the economic, operational, technological and management related problems associated with the development and operation of future air transportation systems and of the exploration and exploitation of space. CHAIRS INVOLVED Prof. M. van Tooren Prof. J.A Mulder Prof. B.A.C. Ambrosius Prof. R. Curran
3 BSc Minor Operation & Exploitation Business Economics for Aerospace Engineers4 ECTSE Practical(literature & case) 2P Aerospace Systems and Control Theory3E Practical AE Systems and Control Theory2P Air Transportation and Systems4E Practical Strategic Planning for Airports3P Numerical Analysis CI3E Practical Numerical Analysis1P Systems Engineering and Technical Management3E Space Engineering & Technology III3E Practical Space Eng. & Technology2P TOTAL30
4 Objectives: Business Economics The course Business Economics for Engineers provides the tools to effectively manage the firm and introduces the most important business issues the entrepreneur incurs. The emphasis is on financial analysis: How to judge financial performance of an enterprise? How to decide on investment proposals? How to raise capital? Successful entrepreneurship starts with accurate analysis of the firm, product and market.
5 Objectives: Business Economics - Financial performance - Managing growth - Raising capital: equity financing - Financial markets - Mergers, bankruptcy, corporate restructuring - Cost accounting - Case: Profit loss account, balance sheet
6 Objectives: Air transportation Objective: to gain insight into the regulations and economics of Air Transportation; organization and functions of the most important actors in the air transport industry. - Development of airports and airlines - Air traffic management - Technology developments
7 Objectives: Airport strategic planning systems Understanding of the complex interrelationships and interactions among airport capacity, airport demand, policy changes, investments, and environmental issues. laboratory exercises “design and operate your own airport”, which are directly linked to the topics of the lectures. In the laboratory exercises use is made of an integrated set of software tools called the Airport Business Suite (ABS).
8 Objectives: Aerospace Systems and Control Theory Understand and model dynamical systems behaviour A look at input signals and a system’s response to input signals Designing and tuning control systems; autopilot, satellite attitude control
9 Application: Modeling human control behavior
10 Application: Automatic control
11 Application: Understanding Sensor Specifications
12 Format Lectures, wit lecture notes + book (Ogata, Modern Control Engineering) Practical, web based Individual assignments Most assignments to be solved with a CACSD package (Computer Aided Control System Design), Matlab or Scilab, at student’s choice
13 BSc Minor Operation & Exploitation LEARNING OBJECTIVES Basic knowledge of the economic, operational, technological and management related problems associated with the development and operation of future air transportation systems and of the exploration and exploitation of space. CHAIR HOLDERS INVOLVED Prof. M. van Tooren Prof. J.A. Mulder Prof. B.A.C. Ambrosius Prof. R.Curran