Tim Stirrup Development Manager, LGfL
Learning platforms, communications and the London Grid for Learning Moving forwards: 2010 and beyond
London MLE
Ring out the old, ring in the new. VLE to MLE Personalising learning 14-19
‘find and replace’ and communications Web publishing Learning paths Content management systems
Informing Online Informing Sharing best Directly practice LGfL Communications
ExhibitionsBett 2009 Other as appropriate. LA Conferences & eventsLGfL presence at LA advisory staff conferences. LGfL Presence at LA ICT strategy events LGfL Presence at technicians and network manager events LGfL Presence at school support staff and librarian events LGfL presence at headteacher events LGfL awareness raised at high, strategic level. LGfL information inserted into LA newsletters. LGfL Curriculum Consultants8 LA curriculum consultants to disseminate LGfL message across London LAs LA curriculum meetingsLGfL Curriculum consultants deliver in-school and LA raising awareness sessions, embedding ICT: link with SRF LGfL Communication Plan 2008/9
Publications & supporting materialInteraCT -relaunched LGfL Folder LGfL'content' booklets LGfL'content' flyers (new) LGfL services flyers (new) ‘ad hoc' publications LGfL Style Guide Mugs Pens flash drives Press release activityPress ongoing PR results & cuttings Becta communications strategy NEN PR activity Web SiteLGfL website - update for 2009 LGfL Newsfeed and RSS AwardsLGfL, LGfL region school, or staff member to be nominated for or win a national teaching/ict/education award
Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand