La ‘a’ personal Capítulo 8 Español 1H
Any time you do something (an action) there is someone or something that is receiving the action. We refer to this person or thing as the direct object.
For example: Escribo en la pizarra. I am doing the action and the whiteboard is receiving the action; thus, the whiteboard is the direct object.
Visito a mis abuelos. Who is the direct object? Another example:
We use the “a” personal when the direct object fits under the four rules listed below: 1.the direct object is a person or a group of people Quiero visitar a mis abuelos. (abuelos is the direct object and you put the “a” in front of it) Quiero visitar las ruinas. (las ruinas is a place, not a person, and does not require the “a” in front)
2.the direct object is an animal or pet Busco a mi gato. (Gato is the direct object and you put the “a” in front of it) 3.We DO NOT use the personal “a” after a conjugation of the verb tener Tengo dos hermanos. (Even though the direct object is a person –hermanos– because tengo is used, we do not use “a”) a question with “¿quién?”; being that “¿quién?” is used, we can infer that a person is involved. Therefore, “a” goes directly in front of “¿quién?”. ¿A quién llamas?