Seminar for Teacher Assistants Liberal Studies Public Assessment
Uses of Assessment Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning Giving feedbacks Review for remedy Revealing the learning capability of students Assessment of Learning Certification Selection For Improvement
Types of Assessment Traditional (Standardised) Assessment Authentic (Performance) Assessment
Authentic Assessment A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills (Jon Mueller)
Features of Authentic Assessment Performing a task Real-life cases Construction / Application of knowledge Direct evidence Student-structured responses
Sample Question of HKDSE LS Exam
Sample Question of HKDSE LS Exam
Sample Question of HKDSE LS Exam Identify and explain the problems in relation to Hong Kong as revealed in Source 1. (3 marks) Referring to Sources 2 and 3, identify and explain the ways in which the vegetable inspection arrangement can deal with the problems you mentioned in (a) and in what ways it cannot. (10 marks) Referring to Sources 1, 2 and 3 and based on your knowledge, identify and explain two factors which facilitate the emergence of ‘accredited vegetables’. (6 marks)
Design of Marking Guidelines Key Features: Descriptors provide criteria and flexibility for marking Description of candidates’ achievement of the course outcomes (positive description) A full range of candidates’ performance
Features of LS Questions Authentic assessment Real-life and issue driven Application of knowledge and concepts Application of a range of thinking skills (e.g. observing, analysing, discussing issues, dilemma, tension etc) Open-ended and student-centered Justified argumentation from multiple perspectives Not content-based, nor content free
Liberal Studies Standards-referenced Reporting Information Package
Assessment Framework (1) Written Examination (80%) Paper 1 (50%) Two hours Three compulsory data-response questions 16-20 marks for each question Paper 2 (30%) 1 hour 15 minutes One out of three extended-response questions 20 marks for each question
Assessment Framework (2) SBA – Independent Enquiry Study (20%) An independent and self-directed enquiry project Stage-wise design I. Project proposal (title formulation) II. Data collection (enquiry method and data organization) III. Product (data analysis, discussion and reflection) Written and non-written Forms (Product)
Assessment Framework (3) Stage Assessment Items (weighting) Total Weighting Process (50%) Task (50%) I Independent thinking Communication skills Effort Project Proposal 25% II Data Collection III Product 50%
Assessment Objectives Curriculum Aims Learning outcomes Assessment Objectives
Assessment Objectives of LS Thinking skills Issue-based enquiry Logical and clear presentation skills Common knowledge Connection to related issues Multiple perspectives Underlying issues/ concepts/ values/ dilemmas / tension Drawing upon own experiences
Assessment Requirements (Written Exam) Understanding of the question Referring to the data Contextual analysis Using but not recalling hard facts Application of thinking skills and concepts Clear & logical presentation
Features of Questions Paper 1 Data-response Different forms of data Graded questions Catering for a wide range of abilities of students Paper 2 Stimulus material Require higher-order thinking skills
Assessment Requirements (IES) Scope of the topic (manageable, researchable) Enquiry rather than descriptive, factual account (social dimension rather than personalized) Background information search (knowledge and concepts) Application of appropriate data collection method(s), e.g. structured interviews, systematic field observation, appropriate questionnaire Relevance between the data, the findings and the enquiry questions Quality of the discussion/analysis/conclusion (organisation, relevance) Reflection
Stage I Schedule of Work (S5) Month Event January Standardization seminar for SCs cum group meeting (annotated samples to be disseminated) April Students to submit the Task to their teachers Within-school standardization meeting and marking May Stage I mark submission (Process and Task) to the HKEAA June - July DCs to review Process assessment records DCs to give feedback to SCs
Stage II Schedule of Work (S6) Month Event June Standardization seminar (annotated samples to be disseminated) Early October Students to submit the Task to their teachers Within-school standardization meeting(s) and marking Mid November - Mid January Stage II (III) mark submission (Task and Process) to the HKEAA
Stage III Schedule of Work (S6) Month Event October Standardization group meetings for SCs cum group meeting (annotated samples to be disseminated) December Students to submit the Task to their teachers Within-school standardization meeting(s) and marking Mid November - Mid January Stage III (II) mark submission (Task and Process) to the HKEAA Stages II & III Process assessment record submission to the HKEAA Late January DCs to review Stages II & III Process assessment records DCs to give feedback to SCs
Role of TA in Liberal Studies Public Assessment (e.g.) Information Search and classification (e.g. news info) Record keeping (sample papers and scripts, IES Process and Tasks) Data Verification (e.g. data used in test and exam papers) Standardization coordination (e.g. photocopying of student sample scripts) Display of news of current issues related to the curriculum Mark verification and submission (e.g. IES Process and Task marks)
Assessment Development in School Working in team (teaching & assessment) ~ Thank you ~