Learning disability self-assessment framework 2010 Liz Staples Clinical Services Manager / Lead Nurse
What Is The Self Assessment? The Strategic Health Authority are asking all Partnership Boards to do a “Health Check” of their services and of their work. This is to make sure that we are doing what we should be doing for the health needs of people who have learning disabilities.
What have we got to do? The Healthy Lives Advisory Group need to have some special meetings with service users and carers to make sure that we are dealing with specific health needs The self Assessment feedback form needs to be completed in a meaningful way, to make sure that the picture we give back about Walsall is true and helpful for future planning.
How Do We Do This? It is very important that we involve carers and service users in this assessment, as we need to know where we can improve and then work towards goals and targets. For this reason we will have a very specific “Healthy Lives” meeting dedicated to the assessment. We will inform everyone of the date.
What sort of questions will we be answering? There are four main categories of questions which are then broken down into detailed questions. The questions then look at the guidance and the specific targets to find out how Walsall are doing, and what needs to happen next.
What do you think? Any Questions? Thank you Liz Staples