Leaving Certificate Biology Genetic Engineering & Profiling iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
When the DNA from individuals is analysed a unique DNA profile is made and a result similar to a bar code is obtained. This DNA profile formation is also known as genetic … EngineeringMutations ScreeningFingerprinting
What is the method used for separating the fragments of DNA when getting a DNA fingerprint? Gel electrophoresis Gene pharming Genetic screening Gene linkage
What term is given to the modern techniques or processes used to artificially alter the genetic information in the chromosome of an organism? Gene therapy Genetic engineering Genetic fingerprinting Genetic screening
An enzyme that recognises specific nucleotide sequences on DNA molecules and cuts the DNA strands at those sites is called … Catalase Recombinant enzyme Severing enzyme Restriction enzyme
An organism whose genome has been changed by the addition of a gene from another organism is referred to as a … Restricted organism Genetically mutated organism Recombinant organism Transgenic organism
During transformation the majority of bacteria …. Are mixed with DNA sections Produce the desired product Fail to take up plasmids Are inserted into host cells
The joining together (or splicing) of overlapping cut ends of DNA sections to form recombinant DNA is called … IsolationLigation RestrictionCloning
An example of a cloning vector is … A bacterial plasmid A recombinant DNA molecule A genetically modified organism Dolly the sheep
The first stage of genetic engineering is referred to as … ExpressionIsolation InsertionTransformation
What organisms have been used to genetically engineer human clotting factor? BacteriaRice plants SheepGoats
DNA fingerprinting can be used to determine if a person … Has a diseaseHas faulty RNA Is a carrier of a disease Is the parent of a child
A common technique used to increase the amount of DNA for forensic analysis is … DNA replicationGMO Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Electrophoresis
Restriction fragments are produced using … Gel electrophoresis Enzymes DNA ligase Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
The first genetically engineered medicine was used to treat which of the following? Bacterial infection Diabetes Parkinson’s disease Tuberculosis
The process of transcribing RNA into DNA, used by retroviruses and in biotechnology, is called … RecombinationTranscription Replication Reverse transcription
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