0 Confidential Pre-decisional Deliberative Document LC Off-site Agenda – January 11, 2011 TopicFacilitatorTime ▪ Advisory Panel dry runAdvisory Panel Chairs ▪ Advisory panels only meet to run through presentations and prepare for Q&A session 8:00 1:00 – 1:45 W. Taylor ▪ Preview and homework assignment for next LC mtg ▪ Star 7 introduction2:45 – 2:55 Content/activity Vision delivery - Advisory Panel initial thinking ▪ 10 minute preliminary read-out of results (e.g., key questions, aspirations, targets) & 5 min Q&A for each Panel ▪ 15 min break after first 3 Panels (3 R’s) 10:15 – 12:00R. Irvin (intro) Advisory Panel Chairs ▪ Advisory panels present preliminary scorecards T. Kilgore9:00 – 9:15 ▪ Introduction ▪ Preview agenda and objectives for session ▪ Review feedback from December 8-9 LC meeting Advisory Panel Chairs + Sponsors 12:15 – 1:00 ▪ Advisory Panel breakouts I (Working Lunch) ▪ 6 breakout sessions led by Advisory Panel Chairs to ▪ Detailed discussion and input from LC ▪ Key questions, feedback from group ▪ Break (Pick-up lunches)12:00 – 12:15 9:45 – 10:15 ▪ Pulse survey results ▪ Review December 2010 Pulse survey results and findings Cultural transformation update Further detail provided ▪ Cornerstone Q&A with TomT. Kilgore2:00 – 2:30 ▪ Advisory Panel breakouts II ▪ 2 nd Advisory Panel breakout sessionAdvisory Panel Chairs + Sponsors ▪ COO big idea report out9:15 – 9:45 ▪ Review COO initial plan to lead 2 of the 10 “Big Ideas” S. McMillen B. McCollum ▪ Break – Open panel inputR. Irvin1:45 – 2:00 ▪ Chair synthesis of inputPanel Chairs2:30 – 2:45 ▪ Panel chairs available for additional input during break ▪ Chair provides brief 3-4 point summary of day’s takeaways J. Herrin ▪ Preview of February LC agenda ▪ Distribute and collect feedback ▪ Farewell and path forward 2:55 – 3:00
1 Confidential Pre-decisional Deliberative Document How will Advisory Panel breakout sessions work? Progress update for each Advisory Panel (15 min) ▪ Each Advisory Panel delivers brief update on key issues being addressed by Panel, metrics that will define success, and an appraisal of current status ▪ Goal for each Advisory Panel Chair is to “bring-to-life” the Panel’s objectives for the LC members in their break-out Break out sessions (2x45 min) ▪ 6 parallel break-out sessions – 1 for each Advisory Panel ▪ Each break-out session facilitated by Advisory Panel Chair with support from the Sponsor ▪ Resources available to support facilitation STRAWMAN FOR DISCUSSION
2 Confidential Pre-decisional Deliberative Document 2 Advisory Panel Breakouts ▪ Clarity: Provide additional detail on Advisory Panel work – e.g., supporting analysis for SWOT, metrics and targets, initiatives as appropriate – for LC input ▪ Communications: Identify top 3 questions you’ll face from employees and stakeholders ▪ Who needs to know? ▪ What concerns are there? ▪ Collaboration: Identify top 3-5 cross-organizational issues with potential initiatives – i.e., how to break down barriers/ silos? What concerns are there? What opportunities excite you? Objectives of break-out sessions 2 STRAWMAN FOR DISCUSSION