1 of 22 Tough love Grandma
2 of 22 Extraordinary People Iceman Blind painter Human calculator Human camera Human compass Spiderman Roofballers
3 of 22 Overview gp.Describe(object) Describe object gp.List* Python list of objects ArcGIS 9.3 ArcGIS 10 arcpy.Describe(object) arcpy.List*
4 of Evolution Describe Object Properties An example of how Python is evolving with ArcGIS
5 of 22 Describing data
6 of 22 Describe Example (feature class) … if you plan to do multiples in same workspace
7 of 22 Describe a Feature Class
8 of 22 Describe a Geodatabase some are case sensitive, others not arcpy.env.workspace is
9 of 22 Fields in a Feature Class via Describe ArcGIS 8.x, 9.x ArcGIS 10
10 of 22 Describe a Raster
11 of 22 Overvie w gp.Describe(object) Describe object arcpy.List* Python list of objects
12 of 22 Lists of Objects in Geoprocessing OMD
13 of 22 Listing Data List* : Python List (i.e. returns a Python List) Know number of * in a Python list Use a for loop
14 of 22 ListFields(pInputValue, [wild card], [FieldType]) Same Field object as each Field object in list that is returned by Fields property of the Describe Object
15 of 22 ListFields examples
16 of 22 ListFeatureClasses([wildCard], [FeatureType])
17 of 22 ListFeatureClasses examples
18 of 22 os.walk(top, topdown, onerror)
19 of 22 os.walk() simple example
20 of 22 os.walk() not-so-simple example Find all Flash videos (SWF) in the entire tree under a given root folder If the SWF file has the “slide”, and not “group”, as part of its name convert the first frame of the video to a JPG with the name of the SWF
21 of 22 os.walk() not-so-simple example
22 of 22 There’s an app for that