Brief Introduction The Vampire Diaries is an American television series based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series is currently in its third season. The series follows the events in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The main focus of the series is the love triangle between the female protagonist( 主角 ) Elena Gilbert and two vampire brothers with dark pasts. Later the light is thrown on the mysterious past of the town and their fight against Katherine and the vampire original family.
Vampire characteristics Have fangs ( 有尖牙 ) Immortality ( 永生 ) Act swiftly keen senses Be burned in the sunshine Take blood for a living Can control human’s mind Can’t be hurted unless by wooden things A bite of werewolf will be deadly to a vampire
Elena GilbertKatherine Pierce Elena and Katherine are both portrayed by Nina Dobrev, they are doppelganger( 二重身 ). Elena is a seventeen year-old girl who lives in Mystic Falls. she is kind and considerate. Katherine is a vampire who is selfish and kind of evil.
Stefan Salvatore( portrayed by Paul Wesley ) Damon Salvatore( portrayed by Ian Somerhalder ) Damon and Stefan are two brothers, and both fall in love with Elena. They are one-century-old vampires who were turned by Katherine Pierce in 1864.They both fall in love with Katherine when they were humans. Now their duty is to protect Elena and fight against the vampire original family.
Klaus (portrayed by Joseph Morgan) Klaus and Rebecca are two original vampires. Klaus is a hybrid of werewolf and vampire, he feels lonely and loves his family. So he wants to use Elena’s blood to make his hybrid troop. Rebecca is Claus’s younger sister, who expresses her love and hate directly. Rebecca ( portrayed by Claire Holt )
Bonnie Elena's best friend and a witch. Jeremy Gilbert, Elena's younger brother. Elena's younger brother. Caroline Elena's friend. In the second season, she was turned to a vampire by Damon. was turned to a vampire by Damon.
Relationships Vampire brothers Love triangle Best friends B r o t h e r a n d s i s t e r
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