Enhanced XA Security CISTECH Security Solutions Belinda Daub, Senior Consultant Technical Services
1.Introduction to Enhanced Security 2.Implementing a Security Model 3.Auditing and Reporting 4.IFM Security Information 5.iSeries Profile and Object Authorities 6.Prerequisites Agenda
Why is it necessary? Auditor Requirements Documented security policy and procedures Formal approval for user rights Regular auditing and monitoring Protect investors, employees, community CAS Security Difficult to determine how user has access to tasks No auditing capability Risk to productivity when changes are made iSeries Security Many factors affect user access to system and objects No central management tool Enhanced Security for XA
ES can help Add-on application written using Integrator Implemented by environment XA components: Security Modeling and Planning Routine Auditing and Reporting View Current User Rights iSeries components: User Profile auditing Object Authority auditing Enhanced Security for XA
Power and Flexibility of the XA Client architecture: –Create views and subsets –Export to Excel Add-on Application using Integrator
Install in each environment Includes all CAS tasks (if assigned to an area) Includes IFM Application tasks (in base features only) Auditing for each environment including IFM task security Implemented by environment
Security Model - Create and finalize a new security model Security Audits - Track changes to security Current Environment - View current security configuration and user rights in the environment Enhanced Security Application Card
Provides for implementation of new plan –Import users, groups, areas, and tasks from CAS files –Decide what you want to lock –Create groups and authorize to tasks –Assign users to groups –View current and planned user rights Optional component Note: this is all done in the model – not the live environment Security Modeling and Planning
Import from the current environment: –Users –Groups –Areas and tasks –Group Authorities –Private Authorities You don’t have to start from scratch! 1. Import Security Components
Subsets –Unlocked –Application –Type Mass Change Model Template It’s Easy! 2. Decide what you want to lock
Subsets Views Mass Change R7 –Quick Change –Append subsets Model Template Piece of Cake! 3. Create groups & authorize to tasks
Validation Subsets –User Groups –Group members Templates Return-to-create Your model is almost ready! 4. Assign users to groups
Current and planned rights A. User being reviewed B. Tasks the user is granted C. How access was granted Private (user id) Group (group id) Not locked (blank) A B C 5. View user rights
Compare planned versus current rights –View tasks user will no longer have access to –View tasks user could not do before (for approval) –Final Adjustments to the model Export files to a test environment for user testing –Included with modeling option –Handles security validation stamps Benefits –Reduce risk of affecting user productivity at go live –Resolve issues quickly after plan is implemented Advanced Analysis and Testing
Rights Revoked: If users need any of these rights to do their jobs, they will be adversely affected when the plan is implemented. Enhanced Security lets you make sure this won’t happen. Advanced Analysis
Rights Granted: SOX requires that all access be reviewed by authorizing manager. With Enhanced Security, you can export user rights to standard forms for management approval. Advanced Analysis We can use Integrator to build approvals right in to the application!!!
Testing is critical to ensure users are not affected by the new plan. Users from every group Formal test plan Enhanced Security provides an export process for moving user rights from the model to an XA environment on the same or different iSeries. Validation stamps generated No re-keying Testing
Auditors require regular review of changes to security authorizations Enhanced Security provides: Detailed Transaction History Security Change Audit Violations to Segregation of Duties Regular Audit Reports Security Auditing and Reporting
Start Auditing –Saves an image of environment security files –Journals are activated on the files –Changes in user rights are extracted from the journals Routine Auditing and Reporting
Determine how a user has gained access to a task Quickly identify the area(s) where changes need to be made Customize views, subsets, and sorts View or Host Print Detailed Transaction History
Net Changes only (since last run) Navigate to Detailed Transactions that resulted in the change View or Print Report Security Change Audits
Schedule regular Auditor reports Set Audit Options Regular Reporting – Scheduled Job
Summarize authority granted to users for the reporting period From last run date (monthly changes) Security Audit Report
Users who have authority for tasks that auditors define as conflict of interest, for example: Create a purchase order Generate an AP check Security Audit Reports High-Risk Authority Conflicts
IFM Security View and Print IFM Users IFM Applications User Authority to Applications IFM Application Tasks User Defaults User rights to IFM Tasks are shown with CAS application tasks so you can see everything the user can do
IFM Security User Authorities to IFM Applications
IFM Security IFM Application Tasks
IFM Security IFM User Defaults
All user rights to CAS and IFM Tasks in one place View user rights
iSeries Security User Profiles – view and print Power Users Logon Statistics Password Info Groups and group membership Startup Information
iSeries Security iSeries User Profiles – Special Authorities
iSeries Security iSeries User Profiles – Password Information
iSeries Security Object Authorities – view and print All objects – all libraries User rights – display/maintain XA objects not owned by AMAPICS
iSeries Security iSeries Object Authorities
Integrator (R6 or R7) –R6 requires new business objects created at installation OS V5R3 or higher All functions to be secured must be set up in CAS as tasks and assigned to an area Prerequisites
New Feature Database File Audit File being corrupted or changed outside of XA You need to know who and how it’s done Turn on auditing for the file Starts journaling if not already Extracts information View who made changes to the file and if they used outside tools to do it (SQL, DFU, and others)
Base Package: Enhanced Security $9, XA Security Views and Reports IFM Security Views iSeries Security Views Installation /Training Services Three days on-site plus expenses Optional Features and Services: Security Model feature$ 4, Security Consulting Services$1,600.00/day Security Audit (2-3 days) Security Planning and setup (approx days) ES Packaging and Pricing
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