Grammar and usage Present perfect or present continuous?
Present perfect or present perfect continuous?
1. We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action completed in the recent past, and the present perfect continuous tense for an action that started in the past and is still happening.
Li Jia __________ (read) a book about Stonehenge. (She finished reading the book.) Li Jia ______________ (read) a book about Stonehenge. (She is still reading the book.) has read has been reading
2. We can use the present perfect tense for repeated actions, and the present perfect continuous tense for non-stop actions. I ___________ (visit) Egypt twice this month. (repeated actions) I ________________ (tour) Egypt for two months. (non-stop action) have visited have been touring
3. We usually use the present perfect tense to ask questions beginning with how many or how much, and the present perfect continuous tense to ask questions beginning with how long. How many times _____ you _____ (swim) in the lake? How long _____ you ______________ (swim) in the lake? have swum have been swimming
4. We can use either a state verb or an action verb with the present perfect tense but we usually can only use an action verb with the present perfect continuous tense.
I have had this camera for five years. state verb I have taken photos of UFOs with this camera. I have been taking photos of UFOs with this camera. action verb
5. We use the present perfect tense, not the present perfect continuous tense, with the words like never, yet, already and ever. ( ) I have never visited America. ( ) I have already been to America. ( ) I have never been visiting America T T F
Exercise A: Read the conversation and circle the right words to complete it. Answers: (1) heard (2) been doing (3) been researching (4) been doing (5) started (6) done (7) read (8) found (9) started (10) been doing (11) been making
1.Where do you think the boy has been waiting? 2.What have the aliens been travelling in? What does it look like? 3.Who else have the aliens talked to? 4.What other planets have the aliens visited? Exercise B: Try to answer the following questions according to the comic strip
Sample answers of Part B 1. He has been waiting at an under-ground station. 2. They have been traveling in an UFO. It looks like a saucer. 3. They probably have talked to animals or plants on the earth as well as creatures on other plants. 4. They have visited Mars, Venus, Jupiter and some other planets.
1. Go through what we learnt today and get familiar with them. 2. Prepare Task. Homework