Statutory Drivers for Adaptation Explaining and reinforcing the statutory duties on Local Planning Authorities to address climate change adaptation in planning. [Presenters name] [Meeting name] [Date]
Presentation contents —Overview of training modules available in the series —Climate Change Act (2008) —Flood and Water Management Act (2010) —Civil Contingencies Act (2004) —Water Framework Directive (2000) —Localism Act (2011) —Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) —Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) Statutory Drivers for Adaptation
Other training modules in the series —Statutory drivers for adaptation —Addressing weather and climate risks through neighbourhood planning —How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are resilient to climate change and extreme weather —Making the business case for adaptation —Green Infrastructure as an adaptation response —Achieving resilience to climate risks through local plans and supplementary planning guidance Add module title
Climate Change Act (2008) The Climate Change Act 2008 recognises the importance of building resilience against climate change. Statutory Drivers for Adaptation UKCP09 (projections) 2009 Policy and economic analysis Climate Change Act 2008 Climate Change Risk Assessment January 2012 National Adaptation Programme 2013 Adaptation Reporting Power Adaptation Sub Committee Review every 5 years
Flood and Water Management Act (2010) The Act required each Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to produce a local flood risk management strategy addressing local sources of flood risk, such as: Statutory Drivers for Adaptation —Surface water run-off —Groundwater —Watercourses —Combination of local risks with fluvial and/or sea flooding LLFAs are responsible for ensuring the completion of a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) and approval of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
Civil Contingencies Act (2004) The Act requires local authorities to design detailed plans for natural disasters including those caused by climate change: Statutory Drivers for Adaptation —Severe Weather storms, heat wave, snow and ice, flooding, wild fires, drought —Structural Hazards land movement, building or bridge collapse, reservoir or dam failure —Industrial or Technical failure electricity, gas, water, communications Business Continuity Plans Multi-agency flood plans Heat wave plans Highways emergency plans Water distribution plan Water treatment works plans Pipeline plans Community plans Flood and weather warnings
Water Framework Directive (2000) Local authorities have a role in delivering and achieving the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to help the natural environment adapt to the impacts of climate change. What are the key LA functions which can contribute to WFD objectives? Statutory Drivers for Adaptation —Planning Policy —Development Management —Drainage and flood risk management —Open space and green infrastructure —Highways design and maintenance —Environmental management & pollution controls —Managing local authority estates & buildings
Localism Act (2011) Local Authorities can use a range of provisions in the Localism Act to implement action on climate change. Statutory Drivers for Adaptation — Neighbourhood Development Plans: Community action on climate change — Duty to cooperate: Cross boundary adaptation activities
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) Sets out the structure of the local planning framework for England. Statutory Drivers for Adaptation — It includes the duty on plan-making to mitigate and adapt to climate change Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) Local planning authorities should reduce risk from coastal change by : — avoiding inappropriate development in vulnerable areas; or — adding to the impacts of physical changes to the coast. Helps ensure the sustainable development of the marine and coastal environment.
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