Customer Excellence Discussion & Explanation of Daily Firm Project Structure Options To: CY Zebot cc: Martha Bryant Marty Stetzer Houston August 22, 2005
2 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Presentation Outline Concerns have been expressed by some of the participants in the Daily Firm Project that: “ We could have gone faster” “ We knew the key objectives in the beginning” This presentation discusses: - The approach used for the Daily Firm Project - Why it was selected - Other available options - Recommendation
3 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Why Approach Was Selected Key steps: 1.Systematic identification of customers 2.Systematic identification of customer needs 3.Structured participation of those who are impacted 4.Use planning tools to capture results as we go Permanent improvements require understanding of all the details… Many organizations organize problem-solving this way To get permanent improvements it needs to be this way 20% 80% 20% Diagnosis Remediation (Solutions) Solutions
4 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Why Issues Approach Was Selected Qittitut observations on CenterPoint interstate pipeline: “Problems seem to re-occur” Little understanding of entire process across the organization Difficulties in separating business model concept from the organization structure Little discipline in documenting decisions or actions Very mixed vocabulary (and understanding) across the organization Few front-line personnel had worked in teams to solve problems Need to leverage expertise of top management across the organization Accomplishing permanent improvement in complex organization is hard work…
5 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Systematic Approach Used: Implementing Permanent Daily Firm Improvements 5/156/157/158/15 4/15 MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT COMMITMENTCOMMITMENT 1 Customer Strategy & Dashboards 2 Apply Business Model 5 Selected “Daily Firm” 3 “As Is” Mapping 6 Incorporate Customer Focus 4 Front-line Cross-Functional Teams 9 Analyze Issues & Opportunities 7 Set a Vision 8 Identify Improvements 10 Convert to Action Plans
6 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Approval Details 1/2 Management Commitment 1 Customer Strategy & Dashboards 2 Selected “Daily Firm” 3 Incorporate Customer Focus 4 Apply Business Model 5 xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx
7 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Approval Details 2/2 “As Is” Mapping 6 Analyze Issues & Opportunities 7 Set a Vision 8 Front-line Cross-Functional Teams 9 Identify Improvements 10 xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx Xxx xxx
8 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Other Available Options Considered There are a number of ways to approach improvements… To be effective still requires understanding of underlying (problem) processes Benchmarking & best practices investigation Often used in engineering projects (e.g. Kepner Tregoe) Root cause analysis Used in Daily Firm projectIssues-based analysis All of the above require: Strong Management Commitment Understanding of Business Model Front-line Cross-Functional Teams
9 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Must Result in Action Daily Firm Improvement: Potential Projects Key Objectives: 1. Collapse the timeline and 2. Reduce paperwork… Improvement to Customer Time & Resource Criteria Quick Hits Mid Sized Projects The Vision The Vision “Controlled Auction” Longer Term Tariff Projects Quick Hit Projects Mid size IT driven projects IT hours IT hours IT over 500 hours Legal days Legal months Legal over 9 months Client Svcs days Client Svcs months Client Svcs -- over 6 months Mid size Process & Tariff projects
10 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Recommendations We have had success with the issues-based approach…16 team members, and the CCO management staff, understand it. Can now relate projects to issues and processes to find a permanent fix. Finds ways to shorten the overall timeline: A.Better flowchart and issues investigation at front-end B.Learn to work (better) with staff at multiple locations C.A two day off-site work session can save a week of elapsed time -One day for issues -One day for vision / solutions We can speed up elapsed time but “team time” commitment will be the same. For CNP Interstate Pipelines – “Stay the Course”
11 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Appendix Projects Identified by Participants Project Discoveries - Value of Intangibles
12 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Must Result in Action Daily Firm Improvement: Potential Projects Key Objectives: 1. Collapse the timeline and 2. Reduce paperwork… Improvement to Customer Time & Resource Criteria Quick Hits Mid Sized Projects The Vision The Vision B117 Auction S43 Automate entirely S37 MRT Tariff Chg S88 Tariff Chg-New ST Svc S3 Econtract A7 Tariff Chg- Rev Credit A1 Customer Education S80 Nom Edits B121 Auto S48 Real Time Capacity S87 Tariff Chg <30day S74 TariffChg-K B115 Auto load spreadsheet S86 Tariff Chg Multi A’s/B’s S94 Master Agmt B120 IM-TV S51 Deal Capture S9 Admin Assist IT hours IT hours IT over 500 hours Legal days Legal months Legal over 9 months Client Svcs days Client Svcs months Client Svcs -- over 6 months
13 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BY PARTICIPANTS - Details QUICK HITS B121Automatic s sent to customers when contracts are set up or amended A1Customer education related to process S80Tag FT K for nomination edits to skip - by adding a field to screen per Darrell Storey's suggestion S81Remove edits on Daily FT to allow CSA/customer to change volume/points; catch in confirmation process B147Automate nomination process for Daily FT S9Give John help on front end reporting/documenting/spreadsheets MID SIZED PROJECTS S51Deal capture system that will minimize multiple data entry and reduce cycle time; capture all requests granted or not S94Pattern master agreement after capacity release master agreement in GIS S86Change tariff to allow multiple A's & B's on the same page; at a minimum combine attachments A & B for each deal S70Use one page type as contract (similar to MRT's method of amending contracts today) S87Change tariff like IT, no contract needed for deals less than 30 days - transactional report S74Transactional/Discount Report + Form of Service Agreement = Contract (K) S68Change tariff so that nom revisions are not acts of discretion ************Shaded areas are additional solutions that look similar or could be accomplished within a similar project.
14 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BY PARTICIPANTS (CONTINUED) MID SIZED PROJECTS (continued) B115Auto load spreadsheet into system S48Automate process where the available capacity is tracked real-time (during trading) B147Consistency of Capacity Available posting-link capacity postings to capture discrepancies before posting is completed B120Have John/Mike's IM available via big screen TV (real time) in CSR's area so they can see the deal occurring as it is being created A7Tariff Change - Revenue Credit (To provide deminimis exemption for penalty revenue crediting for Daily FT) THE VISION B117Electronic auction system (CEGT version of ICE) S3 Econtracting built, not implemented concerns about pushing self-serve onto customer, good "To Be" starting point - need history; Florida Pipeline is electronic; Transwestern electronic and offers daily firm S43Handoff for marketer for downstream processing - Automate entire process S88New service ST FT master Agreement; (higher risk than #S86 or #S87) S37 MRT Tariff Issues; Capacity allocation procedure cannot move quickly enough to sell daily firm on MRT; 30 day minimum term for FT (winter is only time MRT would have this capacity); (MS comments: MRT unused FT capacity per day and how it may be marketed/nominated. IT or secondary FT on MRT to PVH versus crosshaul on CEGT. MRT Tariff issue regarding the FT contracts requirement of 30 days or more. Need to mirror CEGT's daily FT capability.) ************Shaded areas are additional solutions that look similar or could be accomplished within a similar project.
15 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Project Discoveries: Value of Intangibles + Everyone has a voice, and all job responsibilities are important and represented + Open answers from everyone - Thought coming in that a few quick hits would make a difference. Not sure now. + Did not fully understand Cindy’s area + A lot of issues are similar across CNP + Went deeper that I thought we would + Structured flowchart helped + Categories helped: Issue, Solution, etc - More issues than I thought + Seeing the process from A-Z was good +This does not just apply to Daily FT - Not a lot of quick hits... Need Tariff changes and systems fixes - Expected more solutions & more creativity Daily Firm Process Improvement Verbatims… We now have 16 people who understand the Daily Firm business from end to end
16 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Project Discoveries: Value of Intangibles II Understand need for vision vs. staying stuck in the issues Time allocated to new ideas vs. the issues analysis Afternoon session tough to keep excited after a busy day Too much time between sessions – anxious to get started Helpful to go through the issues – though it took a long time Focused on issues Issues and solutions now coming together Structure is good. Determined all of the issues then the solutions. Learned a lot about the entire process When the whole process is put together, we are able to see it and find solutions Things moved faster today –We moved beyond the current state Narrowed down the problems and solutions Daily Firm Process Improvement Verbatims…
17 Cy Presentation_ProcessV2 Interstate Pipelines Approach Used: Implementing Permanent Daily Firm Improvements 5/156/157/158/15 Apply Business Model Customer Strategy & Dashboards “As Is” Mapping Analyze Issues & Opportunities Incorporate Customer Focus Set a Vision Identify Improvements Convert to Action Plans Front-line Cross-Functional Teams Selected “Daily Firm” 4/15 MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT COMMITMENTCOMMITMENT Interviews Phase I P1P1 I1I1 P2P2 P3P3 I2I2 I5I5 S1S1 P4P4 I6I6 I7I7 S2S2 I8I8 S3S3 PxPx IxIx SxSx Planning tools used to “Mark the Trail”: Process flowcharts Version 1 through 4 Issue list cross-referenced to flowcharts Solutions Identified Indicates the key elements of Daily Firm success