Humanitarian to Recovery Transitioning out of Humanitarian Coordination
Oct-14 Session Structure Uganda: a case study Sharing challenges and lessons learned Global CPWG support – adding to the work plan
Oct-14 Transitioning from humanitarian coordination Uganda a Case Study Coordination Time line -Inter Agency Standing Committee -National Psychosocial Working Group: collapsed IASC Cluster approach introduced: National Child Protection Sub-Cluster operational: Jan 2007 – Nov Transition from Cluster to sector working group: November 2009
Oct-14 Child Protection Sub-Cluster -National level: dedicated full time Sub - Cluster Coordinator -District level: local government coordination supported by dedicated lead NGO in each District -Strong communication between national and local level
Oct-14 Highly Effective Agreed on one common approach to CP: building and strengthening community based CP systems Geographical division amongst agencies with common approach and reporting Significantly increased coverage and quality of community based child protection systems Developed inter-agency IASC and Government approved minimum standards, training tools and guidelines
Oct-14 Transition Decision taken by IASC – transition of Clusters to Sector Working Groups by the end of 2009 Hand over to a Government body Include transfer of knowledge, capacity and tools Each Cluster/ Sub-Cluster required to develop a transition plan
Oct-14 Child Protection Sub-Cluster transition Transition work plan developed – clear road map: -Assessment of coordination need post Cluster -Identification of Government Body to take over following the phase out of the Sub-Cluster -Development of the Northern Uganda Child Protection Recovery strategy 2009 – Decision taken on remit of of the post Cluster Coordination mechanism -Development of ToR for Child Protection Working Group (CPWG)
Oct-14 Management and Remit of Child Protection Working Group CPWG Management: Taken over by MGLSD – department of C/YP Government assume responsibility for CP service delivery and coordination in northern Uganda Commissioner for Children and Young people: Chair Continued technical and administrative support from UNICEF CPWG remit: Focus on northern Uganda: humanitarian and recovery Operate within the framework of the CP Recovery Strategy for Northern Uganda: 2009 – 2011 Potential for merger prior to 2011 with a national OVC/Child Protection Working Group
Oct-14 Challenges On paper = smooth transition In reality: -Management -Organization -Not a high priority -Inter-agency commitment and attendance -Communication between national and district CPWG -No specific remit for emergency response Current Situation: -Problem with functionality of the coordination group -Limited - no output of the CPWG since transition -Need to consider how to adapt and ensure we maintain the strong inter- agency approach to CP achieved under the Cluster System
Oct-14 Lessons learned 1.CP Coordination needs out live the lifetime of a Cluster - Essential the Cluster transitions into an alternative coordination mechanism -This can be broader than the Cluster remit 2. Transition is not easy: - Going from the Cluster with a full time dedicated coordinator to management by the MGLSA requires adaptations from all sides -Members need to take increased ownership over the functionality of the group for it to be functional and effective 3. CPWG is not a Governmental priority and is delegated down: -Associated to ownership and perceived importance - Commissioner delegates to officer or junior officer
Oct-14 Lessons Learned Cont.. 4. A gradual transition is needed -Cluster-Coordinator phases out over a period of time. - Allow Government body time to take on the coordination roll with on- going support over a period of time 5. ToR developed during transition may not be the most appropriate in practice: -Review 6 months after transition -Adapt as necessary 5. Develop CP emergency response sub-group -To ensure there is a CP I-A emergency response capacity -Does not relate the whole CPWG and is sidelined if not specifically catered for
Oct-14 To consider… Transition: -What process will you/did you follow? -What challenges did you/do you expect to face? -If already transitioned out of Cluster coordination, what lessons learned could be of use to other countries?
Oct-14 Transition in the CPWG Workplan What support could the Global CPWG provide to aid transition from humanitarian coordination to recovery? What global tools would be of Benefit? What would this look like?