National CS Week December 7 – 11, 2009
Did You Know? Shift Happens
How Can Brookwood Help you Deal with Shift? Take a Programming Class Beginning Programming – for students who would struggle at the pace of an AP Course, but still want the background of CS. The intention is to take AP after you’ve completed this course. AP Computer Science – for students who are ready for the challenge of an AP course. We cover all the topics taught in Beg. Programming, and then a few more. We just go a little quicker and a little deeper.
10 Reasons to Take Computing Courses 1. Computing is a part of EVERYTHING we do!! 2. Expertise in computing allows you to solve complex, challenging problems 3. Computing enables you to make a POSITIVE difference in the world. 4. Computing offers you many types of lucrative careers. 5. Computing jobs are here to stay, regardless of where you are located.
10 Reasons to Take Computing Courses 6. Expertise in computing helps you even if your primary career is in something else. 7. Computing offers great opportunities for true creativity and innovativeness. 8. Computing has space for both collaborative work and individual effort. 9. Computing is an essential part of well-rounded academic preparation. 10. Future opportunities in computing are without boundaries.
Facts about CS Careers In 2006, CS Engineering was voted the BEST JOB in America by CNN. Money magazine rated Software Engineer its top job in 2007 due to growth, pay, stress, and creativity. It also rated Computer IT Analyst #7. Fortune magazine rated Google as the #1 employer in Regardless of the recent downturn in our economy, CS is expected to grow 46% in the next 10 years. (Ahead of finance, medicine and law!!) At the same time demand is increasing, enrollment in CS has dropped 40 – 60%. What does that mean? Computer science majors have the highest starting salary of any four year degree with an average of $68,000. Often you are able to work from home, or part-time.
What Careers are there in CS? Computer Specialist Computer Information Scientist Computer Programmer Software Engineer for Applications Software Engineer for Systems Database Administrator Networking Data Communications Specialist Multimedia Airplane Industries Seismic Processing Music Biology Film Animation Gaming Computer Securities National Security Web Applications Web Design Law Medical Biometrics Mobile Communications Pharmaceuticals Auto Industries NASA Graphics Design
University of Washington Clip
Who Should Take CS classes? Students who like to solve problems. Students looking to help others. Students looking to have a secure career. Students looking for a flexible career. Students who think they may have an interest and want to try it out before college. Girls and Boys All Ethnic groups…
Did you know? Again…