Here we are at the WebLINK home page. The WebLINK Internet Control Panel lets you manage your FreedomIQ hosted VoIP PBX from any computer that has Internet access.
Now lets take a look at the calls tab. You can see that this information was captured in the morning. When we click on each of these individual bars we can see how many calls came in at what time. We can also see how long the call lasted, the extension the call went to, the type of call, and the phone number.
If we click on this bar we see that 73 calls came in at 7:00am.
If we click on this bar we see that 153 calls came in at 8:00am.
Here we can see that 29 phone calls came in at 6:00am. If I want to see who called at 6:00am, I can click on the bar and get that information. That information will appear below.
Lets say that I want to look at my calls from yesterday. All I have to do is click this drop-down and pick the date range, then click apply, and that information will be populated.
Here is a historical report on all calls from yesterday. You of course have the ability to pick any date rage you would like to see and it will display.
You have the ability to click on any of these call periods to see how many calls came in at what time and the corresponding call information. Here you can see that the highest call traffic came in to this hosted VoIP system at 10:00am, totaling 223 calls. That may be a good time to make sure you have extra staff on hand to answer phones.
Now lets check out the mailbox reports. Mailboxes are the extensions that your employees have in your business. The orange bars symbolize the amount of calls each mailbox has gotten.
Here we see a good example of group extensions. Group extensions are usually two digits and personal extensions are three digits. Here we have clicked on the extension for a company's sales department. We can see that the sales department received over 200 calls yesterday.
Here is an example of a companies client services extension, they received 172 calls here. If you click on any one of these extensions a list of the calls will populate below. Now we can click on the missed calls section and see how many of these calls were taken and how many were missed.
Now missed calls means calls that they went to voic . They didnt get abandoned they just went to the hosted VoIP voic and missed a live body. By clicking on any of these extensions you can populate a list of all the missed calls that extension received.
Here is a look at the sales department again. If you recall, they had 204 calls. Here we see that only 22 of those calls went to voic out of 204 calls.
I can look at any of these employees and see all of their call activity. For instance, extension 801 missed four calls. You can see the numbers of the callers he missed below the extension. You can pull these hosted VoIP PBX call reports at anytime and send them to anyone you want.
Here is the status report. This allows me to see what these employees are doing in real time, whether they are working from the office or remotely. I can tell if they are logged in or logged out and I can tell if they are on a call and how long they have been on a call.
Here we see that this employee is on a call with a number with a 760 area code. This employee has been on the call for 5.7minutes so far. Here we see a button that says Monitor Call. If I click this button I can listen in on this employees call to gauge his performance. This employee and the caller will not know that I am listening in.
The next item that we are going to take a look at is the employee scheduler. This is a powerful tool which allows you to create an optimal schedule for your employees using the hosted VoIP PBX. This tells you if you are taking or missing calls and it shows you if you are overstaffed or understaffed. The area on the left shows you that this business had 604 calls total today. Out of those 156 calls were missed. You can see that a lot of those calls were missed first thing in the morning before 9am. This is a valuable business feature with much more to it. If you would like to learn more please request a consultation.
Now we are going to take a look at DID calls. This gives me the ability to pull custom reports on inbound calls and outbound calls. I can also do advanced filtering on all this information.
Welcome to the review calls section, an area in WebLINK which gives you access to recordings on all of the calls taking place in your organization. The review calls section lets you transfer calls, save recordings, and have custom information reflected in reports. In the case of our organization, we are 100% dedicated to customer service. We monitor a significant amount of calls to ensure the customer is getting a quality experience. We also review recorded calls to resolve any disputes. The review calls section is a valuable asset to any company.
Here is an example of how the call plays back. All you have to do is click on the listen button and this box will pop up and play back the call that took place. When youre done simply click the close button and you will be taken back to the main screen.
This concludes the WebLINK Advanced Call Reporting presentation. Thank you for taking the time to learn about this exciting and affordable hosted VoIP phone system.