Matthew 19: 13-30
I. Correcting Annoyance (vs ) 1) Jesus is busy (healings and theological discussions) 2) Disciples get annoyed and rebuke the parents 3) Jesus wants the kids to come (vs. 14), for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
Correcting Annoyance Lessons – 1) Kids lack power and need help (needy): Jesus loves that attitude – 2) Children dont have to be adults to be saved, but adults need to be like children – 3) Anybody who comes to God in faith can be saved (C O M E) – 4) This is one of the passages used for children going to heaven when they die.
II. Correcting Assumptions (vs ) 1) Huge contrast takes place about how to get to heaven 2) Rich (vs 22), Young (vs 20), Ruler (Luke 18:18) runs up to Jesus 3) Right Goal: how can I go to heaven Wrong Assumptions
Assumption #1 Good Teacher He threw the term around flippantly He didnt understand goodness Maybe he thought Jesus was one of the few great leaders OR he didnt understand all the implications of who Jesus really was and could do for him People today make the same 2 mistakes
Correction #1 There is none good but one, that is God Do you know what you just said? Either I am God, or I am a phony/liar and just another man – C.S. Lewis: Liar, Lord, Lunatic Jesus is not denying deity (I and the Father are one. John 10:30-33) but drawing him. none good – Rom. 3:12: The is none that doeth good, no not one. – Rom. 7:18: In my flesh dwelleth no good thing. In other words: I am God and didnt achieve it somehow. You need to come to Me through faith alone.
Assumption #2 He could do something to earn salvation Common thought today Every religion has a works salvation
Correction #2 Your good works wont help you. Jesus starts where the man is: being good A) keep the commandments (vs 17) – Why did he say that? – Rom. 3:20: by the law is the knowledge of sin B) which ones? (vs 18) – Felt confident but wanted to make sure he wasnt missing anything special C) #6, #7, #8, #9, #5, Summary Commandment (Matt. 22:39) – Jesus skips some, trying maybe to get him thinking
Correction #2 Your Good Works wont help you. D) All of these Ive kept. Is there something else? – Still had an emptiness/void inside – Forgot about the heart sins (lust, hate, etc) – Should have said: All of these I have broken. E) If you want to be perfect, good, like Me, then go, sell, give, follow. – Jesus now hits commandments #10 and #1-4 – Coveting and putting God first F) wrong choice – Man left sorrowful, because money was his god
Lessons Hard for rich people to be saved (vs ) Riches make us comfortable We dont need God Dont see ourselves as poor, beggars (like the children) The Emperors New Clothes Illustration
Assumption #3 If Rich People could rarely be saved, nobody could be saved. God would bless those who kept the commandments Therefore, those people would have special advantages in going to heaven (they thought) The poor dont have a chance!
Correction #3 God can do the impossible Only God can save. We cant save ourselves (remember: none are good) He can save the rich and the poor God can do the impossible God saves the needy in spirit
III. Correcting Apprehensions (vs ) 1) Peter wants to know if they would receive anything for their sacrifices (forsaken all) (vs. 27) 2) Jesus tells him how they will be judges in the kingdom (vs. 28) 3) In fact, everyone who sacrifices will receive a hundredfold in return – Really, sacrifices are investments – We have a huge network of family around the world – Eternal life because of our faith – You cant outgive God. He will never be a debtor. 4) However, watch how you serve! Motivations will play a part in future rewards.