Passé composé v. imparfait Which one do I use?!
PassÉ composÉ Used to narrate specific events, with specific start and stop times Talks about something that happed a single time Could also be used to describe something that happened a distinct number of times Used when an action interrupts another action
imparfait Known as the “describer”; used to set the scene Describes an ongoing action with no specified completion Used to describe something habitual, or recurring Used to describe the background action, what is ongoing There is also a set of circumstances to be used as a guide, that if met, require imparfait to be used (WATERLOAD)
Waterload (imparfait) W ~ Weather A ~ Age T ~ Time E ~ Emotion R ~ Repeated Action L ~ Location O ~ Ongoing Action A ~ Attitude D ~ Description
“I was going to France” J’allais en France PRACTICE “I was going to France” J’allais en France
“I went to France” Je suis allé en France practice “I went to France” Je suis allé en France
“I visited a monument” J’ai visité un monument practice “I visited a monument” J’ai visité un monument
“I was visiting monuments” Je visitais des monuments practice “I was visiting monuments” Je visitais des monuments
practice “I traveled in France last year” J’ai voyagé en France l’année dernière
“I was afraid of dogs” J’avais peur des chiens practice “I was afraid of dogs” J’avais peur des chiens
“I was scared when the dog barked” J’ai eu peur quand le chien a aboyé practice “I was scared when the dog barked” J’ai eu peur quand le chien a aboyé