Strategies for the continuation and dissemination of the UNCHAIN model Some reflections from UNIDO
Strategies …. UNIDO strongly believes in the UNCHAIN model UNIDO supports a continuation of UNCHAIN Directly and indirectly Directly = we would like to see TEMPUS II Indirectly = we will use the UNCHAIN model in projects in India, Iran, China and so forth (see below) For example, the twinning program and other aspects of UNCHAIN
Strategies …. But there must be conditions for active participation, not only passive “project mgmt” And there must be a wish to expand to other developing countries UNIDO is willing to host UNCHAIN (as requested in Vienna July 2011 Emanuela)
Strategies …. In terms of financial sustainability, UNIDO has been and is seeking alternative funding possibilities for a second round of UNCHAIN If it is not possible to work as a network, UNIDO will continue to work with UNCHAIN members on a “bilateral/trilateral/etc” basis Examples: nanotechnology + Delft; energy security + Graz/Cairo
Strategies …. The bigger picture is that UNIDO is developing a model/framework for innovation and technology in developing countries This will stretch across many area, e.g., agro- industry, trade, investment, energy and environment Low- to high-tech & North-South and South- South Different stages of development calls for different models
Strategies …. Modes of technology transfer central to this work, e.g., FDI, trade, consultants, twinning, training, etc Hence, the UNCHAIN model is an important component in this work an aspect of sustenance!?
Some discussion points …. Would UNCHAIN members be willing to participate in UNIDO’s work to develop a framework for technology transfer and, more broadly, innovation even if not under TEMPUS? If yes, what form should such collaboration take? Please discuss different models! How well would the UNCHAIN model work in LDCs, in different cultures, etc? Can/Should UNIDO adopt and adapt the UNCHAIN model for different country contexts and how much of the model is readily transferrable to other contexts?
Thank you for your attention!