Why Am I Qualified for this Position? I am an AP Honor Student with a 4.0 GPA who is very focused on academic achievement. I understand what commitment means, since I have been a part of Palmer and Kell’s Orchestras for 7 years. I have excellent service skills that I have developed through Volunteering at Kennestone Hospital this summer. I have excellent communications skills and enjoy being part of a successful team such as the National Honors Society.
Why Would I Bring to NHS? I enjoy leadership responsibilities and like being able to help take charge to ensure a successful outcome. I am dedicated and understand my responsibilities. I will treat this position with the utmost respect and work hard to serve the organization. I would communicate with my fellow officers to ensure we function as a unit and invite feedback from my fellow NHS members.
Service….Service…Service!!!! Being a past and a returning BETA member, I understand the need to get involved with service opportunities. As VP of NHS, I will keep my peers informed of any upcoming service opportunities so that they can get involved. I will have an enthusiastic attitude and encourage participation in service opportunities.
GOALS It is my goal to bring the NHS community closer to each other. It is my goal to increase awareness of service opportunities and encourage participation. It is my goal to be a part of leading Kell’s NHS chapter to be the BEST in the state!