Measuring recruitment difficulties in Europe Jean-Louis ZANDA ANPE, France CEDEFOP Skillsnet Agora Conference Workshop on “Skill need in enterprises” Thessaloniki, 21st February 2008
Statistical sources allowing to measure recruitment difficulties
The tension indicator and recruitment difficulties stated by employers Vacancies / jobseekers high Vacancies / jobseekers low Difficulties to recruit according to employers Few or no difficulties to recruit according to employers Construction workers Hostelry-restoration employees Qualified workers industry Sale occupations Administrative functions Medico-social functions Non qualified workers Sources : 1) ANPE-DARES 2) CRÉDOC- Unédic, Enquête BMO-2006
Establishments intending at the end of 2004 to recruit in 2005 and establishments having recruited in 2005 Source : ANPE – Anticipations des entreprises
Establishments intending at the end of 2004 to recruit in 2005 and establishments having recruited in 2005 Source : ANPE – Anticipations des entreprises
The ‘tension indicator’ from 1997 to 2005 (annual data) Source : ANPE – DARES
« Recruitment difficulties » in the building sector (BTP) and in industry since 1978 (business cycle survey of the French National Statistical Institute - INSEE)
Establishments having renounced recruiting on at least one job, for lack of appropriate candidates
Establishments having tried to recruit in 2005
Establishments having renounced recruiting among those who tried in 2005
Etablissements renoncé à embaucher sur certains emplois, faute de trouver des candidats adéquats
Etablissements ayant cherché à embaucher en 2005
Part des établissements ayant renoncé parmi ceux qui ont cherché à embaucher en 2005