VB-MAPP Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program
What is it??? A criterion-referenced assessment Based on the B.F. Skinner’s functional analysis of language/verbal behavior Developed by Dr. Mark Sundberg Designed to provide a representative sample of a child’s existing verbal and related skills 170 Milestones from 16 skill areas over 3 Developmental levels Also includes: Barriers Assessment Transition Assessment
For whom is this appropriate? Students with language delays that significantly impact their learning Young children Students with moderate to severe learning impairments Individuals with developmental language abilities at or below 48 months. (4 years)
Who can give this test? The assessment uses verbal behavior terms so it is important for the tester to have a functional understanding of behavioral principles, VB, basic linguistic structure, etc. But it doesn’t have to be an SLP… And it doesn’t have to be just one person.
How do I give this test? Formal administration of test items Direct observation of child Interviews with parents and others who know the child well (p17) A list of suggested materials is presented on pages 21 & 22 of the guide.
What is it good for? Ascertaining developmental language abilities and needs Documentation of student progress over time Identifying factors that may hinder a child’s progress Highlighting factors for consideration in determining least restrictive environment
What does it measure? 16 Milestones Mands Tacts Intraverbals Echoics Motor Imitation Reading (Textual Behavior) Spelling (Transcription) Listener Responding Listener Responding by Function, Feature, and Class (LRFFC) Visual Perceptual/Match to Sample (VP-MTS) Independent Play Social Behavior & Social play Spontaneous Vocal Behavior Classroom Routines & Group Skills Linguistic Structure Math
BARRIERS ASSESSMENT Identifies factors which may be impeding a child’s progress towards learning and language acquisition. 24 factors, described with scoring instructions beginning on page 99 of your manual Uses 0-4 pt scale Identified factors can be directly addressed through learning objectives, etc.
TRANSITION ASSESSMENT There are 18 measurable areas identified on that can help educators and parents make decisions and set priorities. Looks at 3 main categories of performance VB-MAPP scores and academic independence Learning patterns Self-help, spontaneity, and self-directions Uses 0-5 pt scale Does not attempt to determine placement for a child, repeatedly states that this is the responsibility of the IEP team In general, higher scores indicate a greater potential for success and independence in a less restrictive environment
Milestones Assessment Scoring Assign a score of 0, ½, 1 based on criteria given in the guide Scores are recorded for each item and for the whole section in the protocol and transferred onto the Master Scoring Form
Barriers Assessment Scoring Assign a score from 0 to 4 based on criteria identified for each barrier. Transfer scores from each barrier to the Barriers Assessment Scoring Form
Transition Assessment Scoring Assign a score from 0-5 based on criteria identified for each item Some scores come from the Milestones or Barriers assessment Transfer scores from each item to the Transition Scoring Form
Interpreting the Results Chapters 8, 9 & 10 provide information on how to interpret the results and use them to: Determine the general level of the child Show strengths and weakness Look for balance across skill areas Determine appropriate teaching style Write IEP goals
How are they Similar & How are they Different??? ABLLS-R vs VB-MAPP How are they Similar & How are they Different???
A BRIEF HISTORY Teaching Verbal Behavior to the Developmentally Disabled (1990) Dr. Mark Sundberg Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS) (1998) Dr. Mark Sundberg & Dr. James Partington Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R) (2006) Dr. James Partington Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) (2008) Dr. Mark Sundberg
SIMILARITIES Authors who have partnered closely together Both focus strongly on assessment of verbal operant skills, with other skills assessed on an almost secondary basis Both measure multiple facets of language Both are criterion-referenced assessments Both are assessed through observation, interview and direct administration of test items. Both have partial mastery options for specific skills
SIMILARITIES (cont.) Both include graph formats for charting a child’s progress Both are designed to be administered periodically (often annually but does not have to be) to a single child and change over time noted on the original graph Both contain one protocol and one guide. Both are copyrighted.
DIFFERENCES VB-MAPP has 170 milestones across 16 skill areas ABLLS-R has close to 500 individual skills assessed over 25 areas VB-MAPP addresses developmental milestones ABLLS-R addresses discrete skills VB-MAPP presents milestones in a hierarchical manner ABLLS-R presents some skills in a developmental hierarchy but not all VB-MAPP allows you to stop administering items is student is not able to complete 3 sequential skills ABLLS-R all test items should be administered or considered
DIFFERENCES (cont.) VB-MAPP scoring criteria must be referenced in the manual ABLLS-R scoring criteria is right on the form VB-MAPP includes the barriers and transition assessments ABLLS-R does not, though does look at some of the equivalent components of these assessments VB-MAPP includes specific echoics to test, but does not list out other specific items ABLLS-R has assessment items lists in the appendices VB-MAPP presents IEP development guidelines ABLLS-R presents criteria in a way that can be fairly easily translated to measureable instructional objectives for IEPs