Testing Item I ― Centre Shot ( 墊步射球 ) Player A Player B
How to analyse movement
Player A & B Centre Shot Displacement-time Graph Player A Player B
Player A & B Centre Shot Velocity-time Graph Player A Player B
Findings (I) Compared with the centre shot, the ball velocity of player B is faster than that of player A. Why? The arm flailing action of player B is better than that of player A. Room for improvement in arm flailing action of player A.
How to analyse movement
Testing Item II ― Player A with different shots Centre Shot Penalty Shot
Player A different shots Displacement-time Graph Centre Shot Penalty Shot
Player A different shots Velocity-time Graph Centre ShotPenalty Shot
Findings (II) Compared with the penalty shot, the ball velocity of centre shot is more or less the same as that of penalty shot. Why? The initial body movement of player A is ineffective to increase the initial ball velocity. Player A has to improve his initial body movement.