ONLY GIVE ESSENTIAL INFORMATION We all like to register on websites, but it isn’t always necessary to fill in all of your details. Fact is you would be safer to only give minimal information as they might be dodgy websites or someone might hack into your account and you would be helping yourself out in the long-term. Once images are online you’ve lost ownership.
POSTING ONLINE Lets be honest- we’ve all looked back at old information, images, comments and likes and been really embarrassed. To stop this happening again only post things that you will not regret later on. Employers will probably type your name into Google to find out some background information, so try it out yourself to make sure you’re safe. If angry / upset: take time out before posting.
PRIVACY SETTINGS Rather than making yourself vulnerable and open to strangers change your privacy settings to friends only. Ask yourself: “Who can access this?” “What COULD be a consequence?”.
FRIENDS Some people online are not who they say they are so only add people you know (preferably friends who you see on a weekly basis so that you can ask/check that you’ve added the right person).T o be safe keep location facilities switched off until you need them.
PRECAUTIONS Use strong passwords Set a PIN on your mobile If you decide to meet an online “friend” – go with an adult Tell an adult you trust if ANYTHING is troubling you Know where to go for help & advice