Daniel Garcia Steve Pacheco Justin Pomar Issac Chavez Joshua Vasquez Br. Lawrence Period 3
The ultimate sign on God’s presence in your life Initiation ◦ Unites person with Suffering of Jesus
TThe Eucharist has its roots in history dating all the way back to the early Jews. ◦P◦Passover Seder TThe event is celebrated annually in Israelites’ homes
Transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. First occurred at the Last Supper ◦ Reenacted at every mass. In remembrance of Jesus.
TThe word – “Eucharist” derives from the Greek language. ◦I◦It is Greek for “thanksgiving” CChristians believe that they thank and praise the Lord when receiving Communion.
Giving Life in order to Bring about Life. The Eucharist reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice for mankind. Through our personal struggles, daily, we become united with our Savior.
1)Priest presiding mass 2)Scriptures (word of God) 3)Church People 4)Bread and wine (Body and Blood)
Can we forgive those whom we have conflicts with? Can we be a welcoming community? Can we offer peace? Can we be sharing? Can we accept everyone?
Dismissal Rite ◦ A main rite that includes the conclusion of mass. “Let us go, now, in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
Sources: i. of%20the%20Eucharist.jpghttp://montagneministries.com/Institution%20 of%20the%20Eucharist.jpg ii. 20 of%20the%20Eucharist/Eucharist%203.jp ghttp:// 20 of%20the%20Eucharist/Eucharist%203.jp g iii. charist.jpeghttp:// charist.jpeg iv. charist.gifhttp:// charist.gif