Surprising skills for Leadership in the digital age Dr Nicola J Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist, Copyright: BT Global Services, 2014
Be inclusive: 5 generations at work by Source: London Business School, 2013 Copyright BT Global Services, 2014
Provide constant feedback & look at different ways to measure & motivate people. Copyright BT Global Services, 2014
Create community: mind the generation gap! Different attitudes to technology and to knowledge sharing. “Baby boomers will remain committed to and deeply suspicious of social media at work, whilst Generation Y and Z rely on a number of social and mobile platforms to communicate”, London Business School FoW Consortium, Generational Cohesion Report, Copyright BT Global Services, 2014 My day would be significantly more productive if there was better info sharing 52% 68% 54% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers Note: (Gen Y, 18-34), (Gen X, 35-50) and (Baby boomers 50+) Use IM at work: Gen Y – 31% Gen X – 28% Baby boomers – 19% I am frustrated with the technology available at work I don’t mind working out of work hours if I can do my own thing during work hours 62% 38% 42% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers 56% 64% 59% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers
Remember: One size doesn’t fit all. I like to get instant feedback on my ideas & suggestions from colleagues 77% I am out and about a lot, away from office Travel more than 10 hours a week for meetings or appointments 57% Get a lot of work done in places like Café’s I regularly check in on work comms out of hours NOT asked IT to re-configure desktop PC in last year When stay at home for personal reasons use Annual Leave Introvert Extrovert 47%26% 31%14% 31%14% 68%53% 37%56% 25%35% Copyright BT Global Services, 2014 “People wear me out. I have a small circle of people who don't, the rest are just hard work, for me, that is. Nothing against the people. I'm just not geared for constant engagement like that”, Introvert.
© British Telecommunications plc 6 Be the perfect party host. Collaboration is a core competency: be social, define shared goals, facilitate networking, develop trust, reward contribution, crowdsource ideas. Copyright: BT Global Services, 2014
© British Telecommunications plc 7 Be an architect. Engineer spaces that help collaboration and productivity (in the real and virtual world). Home worker “Coffice” worker Activity based working Virtualised working Copyright: BT Global Services, 2014
Physical spaces: friends meet at a few meaningful places, strangers pass randomly. Thanks to Sandy Pentland, MIT Collaboration: Trader performance vs. idea flow. Copyright BT Global Services, 2014 Understand collaboration: digital footprints. Digital connections.
Understand the effects of distance: study of a Czech bank. Branch 1 Branch 2Branch 3 Thanks to Andy Lippman, MIT 132 Copyright BT Global Services, 2014
© British Telecommunications plc 10 Be an engineer. Leverage appropriate new technologies, choose the right tool for the job, foster virtual trust and resist your inner caveman. Poor Rich Copyright: BT Global Services, 2014
© British Telecommunications plc 11 Be an empath. Create engagement and balance. I worked for a guy who would use out of hours s and phone calls as a control and bullying tactic. He would want to prove that you were always available… it’s one of the reasons I loathe Blackberries”, Male, UK. “ Interruptions Multitasking Task Switching No time to think! Multiple demands Stress Control 36.4% of UK users in the Cambridge study found technology at least sometimes disrupted family life, with 10.5% finding that disruption regular. Copyright: BT Global Services, 2014
Be a revolutionary: Execs want easy collaboration & communication 78% better comms would make a big difference to success 44% of orgs allow 1 in 4 employees or more to BYOD or use software like Facebook/Twitter for work purposes 62% Gen Y are frustrated by comms technology at work 1 in 2 say if we all worked 20% fewer hours we’d achieve just as much 21% use their own iPad for work Brands want control of data & working practices 4% I lost my phone/laptop/tablet which had work documents/data on 56% I worry about how careful fellow employees are with our organisations confidential data Use for personal reasons at work 32% Facebook 22% LinkedIn 16% YouTube 16% Twitter 53% of IT decision makers say that employees wanting to use their own devices causes real problems 1:4 I should be more careful with data protection Employees are consumers too
Creating the App-y Employee.
Open your eyes: “Wear” Your Own Device! Copyright BT Global Services, Professor Steve Mann, Cyborg. 2014
Thank You Dr Nicola J Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist,